PWS Update ... then Max-Min problems

All math is done in PWS_Dashboard

First: What you see on those WU pages is the calculated 5 minute data (one line) done by WU as WU has to do that task also.

That WU-page data is very from what you can read-nack from WU yourself. Go to your debug dashboard: Module test PWS_Dashboard
Bottom row has three buttons:
Left one “Show contents” displays the data you read back from WU after your WeatherCat weather-program uploaded the data

                    [stationID] => KCOCARBO8
                    [obsTimeUtc] => 2023-10-11T07:15:04Z
                    [obsTimeLocal] => 2023-10-11 01:15:04
                    [neighborhood] => SoprisView
                    [softwareType] => WeatherCatV3.20B364
                    [country] => US
                    [solarRadiation] => 
                    [lon] => -107.221962
                    [realtimeFrequency] => 
                    [epoch] => 1697008504
                    [lat] => 39.396339
                    [uv] => 
                    [winddir] => 148
                    [humidity] => 83
                    [qcStatus] => 1
                    [imperial] => Array
                            [temp] => 41.7
                            [heatIndex] => 41.7
                            [dewpt] => 36.9
                            [windChill] => 41.7
                            [windSpeed] => 0
                            [windGust] => 0
                            [pressure] => 29.64
                            [precipRate] => 0
                            [precipTotal] => 0
                            [elev] => 6191

The second button shows which data-items we use
The third button shows all data we minimally need.
Still no high-lows a.s.o. as those will be calculated by the cron-job