my PWS dashboard can no longer read the clientraw, is there a solution? ??
This topic is all about the Simple dashboard, not the PWS dashboard.
Maybe start a new topic, and give us the URL of your dashboard. . .
I can’t see that page: I get HTTP ERROR 500
Yes it is because the clientraw cannot be read.
why I didn’t know. but it is not broken
can you move the tehma I don’t know how to do that
HTTP ERROR 500 usually means that there is a problem with the server.
If we can’t see your site it will be difficult to diagnose any problem with clientraw and the dashboard.
Hello PWS Doesn’t read the clientraw anymore Please help
I have PHP 8
I don’t know if more files are affected. I’ve also tested the current version of PWS but it doesn’t work either
3.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1950
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] PHP Warning: Undefined variable $item in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1951
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1951
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] PHP Warning: Undefined variable $item in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1952
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php:1952
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] Stack trace:
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] #0 /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_index2.php(30): include()
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] #1 /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/index.php(38): include(‘…’)
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] #2 /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/_test.php(17): include(‘…’)
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] #3 {main}
13.08.2023 15:30:30 wetter-uerdingen.de [client] thrown in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1952
As far as I can see,. line 1950 has nothing to do with clientraw.txt in your version of livedata.php
it is reading the snow data from a manual snow upload.
When i run _test.php I got other errors
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php:1891
That is about weatherflow lightning data
if (!array_key_exists('lightning_strike_last_epoch',$item ) )
{ $weatherflow['lastlightningtime'] = 0;}
If you are running latest version of 2012_lts there should be no problem at all with PHP 8-2 or earlier.
So please check your settings if you maybe set it to use weather-flow lightningh data.
I still can’t see your site
I used this link to check the errors
But not easy when using an ipad.
When I check the live data script it seems that the messages are not related to the clientraw.
I will have decent internet acces again in 10 days (Wednesday August 23).
Hallo wim
alles gut , ich will nur sagen das PWS viele Jahre ohne probleme lief bis gestern dann war schluss.
Warning: Undefined variable $item in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1887 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1887 Warning: Undefined variable $item in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1888 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1888 Warning: Undefined variable $item in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1889 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1889 Warning: Undefined variable $item in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1890 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1890 Warning: Undefined variable $item in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1891 Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php:1891 Stack trace: #0 /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_index2.php(30): include() #1 /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/index.php(33): include(‘…’) #2 /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/_test.php(17): include(‘…’) #3 {main} thrown in /mnt/web010/e3/99/53467899/htdocs/WDL/pwsWD/PWS_livedata.php on line 1891
Could you please read my answers.
Your errors are caused by an empty weatherflow file.
Lines /PWS_livedata.php on line 1887 and further are processing this file.
That file has no data in it.
So switch off the use of using lightning/weatheffow and see if the site works again.
goes again many many thanks
On July 18 in another topic the update for empty WF data was posted.
Hope this link works to get the updated live data script.
I got HTTP ERROR 500 for the dashboard URL. I didn’t realise you could still run …/_test.php
But I can see it now
yes everything works
but why does that work with the lightning/weatheffow, it didn’t work for many years.
You or your provider switched to PHP 8.2
That version is more strict.
And only shortly with another user we found that Weatherflow returns succes although the data can be absent.
Aha that’s it I have php8
let’s see what I can do there.
Thanks .