PWS-dashboard versions available (or not)

Updated on September 12

One answer to multiple topics:

I am trying to get all downloads organised and on-line again.

Current situation
Latest “full release version” I found is from 2023-02-15
PWS_updates.php downloads contain all updated scripts up to 2023-07-14

Generate a new “Full release” version including all updates since 2023-07-14
Generate a new set of updates
Make a full off-line backup of latests versions and all 46 update sets.
Should be on-line Monday 2023-09-11

Future 2012_lts updates:

One should use the current PWS_updates.php tool to get all updates until 2023-09-11

Adapted scripts after that date will be listed on a new download page where one can download a zipped version of that script if one needs it.
One topic in this forum is sufficient to list all updated scripts with a link to the discussion about the changes.

I expect a low number of updates for the 2012-lts version as it seems stable nowadays.

I will support this 2012-lts version as long as possible by adepting the scripts when errors or problems occur.

New release version

Only available for those who helped me develop and maintain my templates and scripts in the past. Either with code, website or with a donation or whatever.

This release should be available starting in November by one weather-program at a time.
Release sequence will be based on the number of users for the weather-programs.
First version will be Ecowitt (custom upload and API), then clientraw, WU and so on

I expect that less than 50 users will download and test or use this version in the first months after November. That is a number of new problems / discussions that I can handle myself.

All current (600, maybe 1.000) PWS_Dashboard users can use the current 2012-lts version as long as they want to d as the old version will be kept alive as long as feasible.



Thanks, Wim. I’m sure you can think of better ways of spending your Sunday :wink:

Status of versions and updates as of 2023-September-11

  • PWS_updates.php will now also download the updates from July 07 → Sept 09

  • The 2012-lts release full-download includes all updates up to Sept 09

  • The website uses the correct dates.

New updates:
2023-09-11 none

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Status of versions and updates as of 2023-November-03

  • PWS_updates.php will now also download the updates from Sept 09 → Oct 31
  • The latest/final 2012-lts release full-download includes all updates up to Oct 31
  • The website uses the correct dates.