Guys - I’m a superfan of PWS Dashboard. Love it. Have it running with over 5 different weather stations.
Want to report (more of an issue) than a problem.
At Issue: My National Weather Service - warnings are working great - HOWEVER - PWS Dashboard - only seems to display ONE weather warning.
What interested me, was when I clicked on today’s reported SINGLE warning, I discovered there was 3 NWS weather warnings for this Saturday morning. Pensacola.
Q.) Is there a way to have PWS Dashboard - let us know that there is more than one Warning? (see attached JPGs)
More Background info: NWS had for (days) issued a weather warning about ‘rip tides’ Pensacola. Warning lasted for days…
My Amazon Echo in my office was flashing this AM - to let me know I had an “Amazon Notification” I told the Echo to play the NWS notification (high winds) and that’s when I went back to PWS Dashboard - clicked on the displayed “Rip tide” Warning and then DISCOVERED there were multiple 3 NWS Weather warnings. See JPGs. Can PWS let us know there is more than just one weather warning?
Yes I could look into that as it should already work that way. But i need the URL to your sites to check what is happening.
I am in Europe where I can test multiple European situations.
No way I can do the same with the US without help from US users.
The core scripts used for NWS warnings are maintained by Ken True.
I only check/read the generated data and use the already available display scripts.
Nearly no code by me for NWS, just this script: wrnWarningCURLY.php|01|2020-11-04|
I scan two essential files:
nws-alerts/cache/nws-alertsBoxData.php for the color and the single warning text.
nws-alerts/cache/nws-alertsIconData.php => the number of “bigIcons”
If that number > 1 there are more warnings and the text “multiple warnings” should be used.
You have both files and they contain multiple warnings.
You use multiple counties:
Litchfield has 1 warning
Fairfield has 3 warnings
Total of 3 data-items in nws-alerts/cache/nws-alertsBoxData.php
I assume now 1 for each warning, some warnings are for more then 1 county
The nws-alerts/cache/nws-alertsIconData.php only has 2 items in the array $bigIcons
I now assume one for each county?
I will wait for the OP’s answer with a link to its website before adapting the script.
I probably have to count warnings in nws-alertsBoxData.php
<!-- nws-alerts.php - V1.43 - 14-May-2019 -->
<!-- 1 unique Zone entries found. Zones='FLZ202' -->
<!-- cache age 593 seconds - no fetch needed -->
<!-- Cron job not used -->
<!-- Total process time: 0.0005 seconds -->
The warning-counting uses the file with, as I detected now, 1 icon / zone
I will adept the script to scan the other file and count all warnings for all zones.
Will post it tomorrow afternoon, my CE-time
I have both files, and multiple warnings now for one county. My screen does not show multiple warnings. FYI. My warnings will continue for at least the next 36 hours if you want to poke around in my site.