PWS Dashboard Lorawan

I have temperature sensors that work under Lorawan as the main temperature, I specify that the tags are:
Real-time: %soiltempincelsius%
Mini : %minsoiltemp%
Maxi : %maxsoiltemp%
Is it possible to set these temperatures as the main temperatures in the PWS Dashboard.
Thank you.


If you can deliver the data to the pwswd/jsondata/ folder it is possible.

One can use a small block (1 sensor) or the normal block with up to 4 sensors.

For soil-sensor the current soil-temperature and (optional) current soil moisture
are supported. Min-max values are not used.

The extra sensor file have to use a certain format as described here


I think the OP wants to use temp_c_block, not extra_temp blocks.

I think the OP wants to use temp_c_block : yes

Yes, using the extra sensor upload you can replace any sensor.

You have to create / upload a text-file containing

|temp|temp|the value|! 
|temp_high|temp|the value|! 
|temp_low|temp|the value|!

In easyweather you can set the location of the file and the data will be read replacing the “normal uploaded” values.


Thanks, I’ll try cala.

I have the old version PWS_Dashboard and I’m a bit lost with “token” or without “token”. There has been a lot of change lately.
I’m looking for where to download the latest version and explanations about “easyweather”

Can you give me more info.

Thank you.

There has been no changes in the current latest release sine 2023-11

PLEASE post the URL to your website, that’s makes “life a lot easier” for both of us.

Using an extra upload did not change in all.
The dashboard can use specific files uploaded by FTP or HTTP f.i. clientraw.txt or real-time.txt
Or the weather-data can be downloaded from a weahter server such as WL.COM or AMBIENT

You yourself have to find a solution to get that “lorawan” data onto the web-server in a format pwsWD can read and understand.


I already have LoraWan information on a website.

Below is an example.

However, I do not understand how to insert these statements into extra_wd.txt.

The site in question:

The link you gave points to a protected site.

Sorry, I have no idea what you want and I see no example.
Please post more information or make a new topic such as
How to get LoraWan data on my website?
Maybe others understand what you are talking about, or post your question on a LoraWan forum?

  1. What is your pwsWD website you want to use ?
  2. Why do you want to replace the outside temp values ?
    Is the sensor broken?
    You will have different values on WU graphs and on your dashboard?
  3. Do you use a weather-program like WD, probably that program can do the job.

PWS_Dashboard can only use files:

  • uploaded from a weather-program (FTP)
  • uploaded from custom-upload device(HTTP)
  • loaded from a server like
  • or use an extra-upload you have to make


If you are using WD this is the file you could use:
extra_WD.txt (163 Bytes)

# weatherdisplay extra tags
#actTime|unix|%timesec% %date%|!   # to be added

You than have to instruct WD to FTP upload that file as f.i. “extra_lorawan.txt” every 1-5 minutes. That is a standard feature of WD and any other weather-program:

  • reading a file
  • translating the tags to values
  • and uploading the translated data as a file on your webserver.

The WD-file only contains the temp as the high-lows are taken care of by the cron-job.

Be aware that the graphs will show other values as uploaded by WD to WeatherUnderground.


Here is the provisional link.

I will apply your information.
Di I understand well is not possible to put the Tn and Tx in the same place as the temperature.
Thank you.



On my test page, I can’t get the temperature.
Here is the information below.

Capture d'écran 2025-01-30 112531

On vous a demandé deux fois où vous souhaitiez utiliser ce champ.
Vous avez confirmé à deux reprises qu’il s’agissait de la température des stations « temp »
Vous utilisez maintenant le bloc « capteur de sol ».

You were asked twice where you wanted to use this field.
You confirmed twice that it was for the stations temperature “temp”
Now you are using the “soilsensor” block.

If you want to use the LoraWan value as a soil-sensor change the line to


You can not correctly test without a main data file.
Your " provisional link" has a major error

[loaded] => error: livedataFormat=wd
no data found at /home/www/PSW2025/…/…/39008/clientraw.txt

You could at least put a correct clientraw.txt file in the correct place.

Merci pour votre patience, j’ai réussi une ébauche. Malheureusement cela ne me convient pas. Je pensais que seule la température réelle (capteur Lorawan) Tx et Tn pouvaient être visualisée comme le cadran initial.
Vous me demandiez via cette phrase : « Why do you want to replace the outside temp values ? » la raison est simple ; ces capteurs Lorawan sont très utile dans des endroits dépourvus de WiFi. Nous concernant (association universitaire) nous les installons dans le massif Alpin ou Jurassien difficiles d’accès durant la saison hivernale.
Je suis désolé de vous avoir montré des emplacements erronés dans votre logiciel, vous savez chacun sa spécialité sinon je n’aurai pas demandé de l’aide. Me concernant gendarme (chacun son taf).
Encore merci.

Thank you for your patience, I managed a draft. Unfortunately this does not suit me. I thought that only the actual temperature (capteur Lorawan) Tx and Tn could be visualized as the initial dial.
You asked me via this sentence: “Why do you want to replace the outside temp values?” the reason is simple; these Lorawan sensors are very useful in places without WiFi. As far as we are concerned (university association), we install them in the Alpine or Jura massif, which are difficult to access during the winter season.
I’m sorry to have shown you wrong locations in your software, you each know his specialty otherwise I wouldn’t have asked for help. As far as I am concerned (each to his own).
Thank you again.