Hi Stuart,
It is always speeds up answers if you post the link to your website.
I tested with the link you gave, but it will not work inside another website.
The only thing you get:
a small old image in the webcam block with the arrow
if a visitor clicks on it, the visitor goes to another website and leaves your website.
If you want that, I adapted the current webcam script and posted it here.
webcam_c_block.php.zip (2.2 KB)
If you are going to use it, you have to comment two lines in the script PWS_blocks.php to remove the “enlarge” text just below the image.
When adapting a script, Always make a copy of the script first . Copy it from the website to a local computer at home.
Script: PWS_blocks.php|01|2021-07-30
Lines 430-431 now read:
$blck_ppp [$script][] = array ('show' => true, 'popup' => 'image_popup.php?nr=wcam1', 'chartinfo' => 'popup', 'text' => $cam_txt );
$blck_ppp [$script][] = array ('show' => false, 'popup' => '_my_settings/webfilm_popup.php', 'chartinfo' => 'popup', 'text' => $movie_txt );=
Add a comment mark at the first position of each line. It should look like
# $blck_ppp [$script][] = array ('show' => true, 'popup' => 'image_popup.php?nr=wcam1', 'chartinfo' => 'popup', 'text' => $cam_txt );
# $blck_ppp [$script][] = array ('show' => false, 'popup' => '_my_settings/webfilm_popup.php', 'chartinfo' => 'popup', 'text' => $movie_txt );
Much pleasure with testing the PWS_Dashbnoard.
Best regards,