How can I display the indoor Purpleair data in pws-dasboarWD 2023.
Thank you in advance,
How can I display the indoor Purpleair data in pws-dasboarWD 2023.
Thank you in advance,
I omitted to write that I have an outdoor PurpleAir sensor that is visible in pwsdasboard, a Davis sensor that is visible in weatherlink and I cannot display it in pwsdasboard, and the indoor PurpleAir sensor for which I asked the question.
I think that would involve a lot of work. I think you would have to get another PurpleAir API key (Creating API Keys - Data / API - PurpleAir Community); modify the latest PWS_load_files.php script to use two different keys and make two different calls to the API to return two different purpleair.txt files; and copy, rename and modify the PurpleAir block and popup scripts, making sure that you can specify the new block in easyweathersetup.
Why not? I’m sure there are lots of helpful topics on this subject.
Wim is away for another week, but I’m sure he will reply when he returns home.
Yes, I missed this topic, did not notice it was a pws-dashboard question.
I adapted the topic headers and will answer next week.
Can not load the user website → a 503 timeout
Thank you
This is a solvable problem, as a lot of users are using an airlink as an extra device on their websites, even when not using for their other data.
Please mail me your easyweather-password so I can copy your API and do some testing myself.
Thank you
------------- removed
Link to purpleair interior
Link to Davis air
I removed your easyweather password form yourt post. Next time, please use e-mail or PM
The problem with the Davis AQ was caused by using the station_ID in both the complete astation settings and in the AQ-device settings.
I remove the setting all is working now.
To test I replaced your purpleair block with the airlink sensor
Thank you for your help!
I made the changes and now I see the Davis sensor and the external PurpleAir sensor. It remains what I initially requested to display the data from the internal Purple Air sensor.
I changed the password.
Sadly that can not be solved by me.
This is a dashboard type template.
With multiple small small blocks to combine in one page/frame.
One can add one extra AQ sensor of any brand, but not more
So in your case you can add one purpleair, one airlink, one luftdaten, one exowitt.
Same as with lightning were also only 1 sensor / manufacturer is supported.
To change that would be a lot of code to develop/test and also changes in easyweather-setup.
See @bitsostring answer here