Purple Air Chart AQI flatlined

Today, my Purple Air graph has gone flat line for AQI. The 3 PMI’s are still moving. I can do the test for the JSON file, but I get a “151: HTTP protocol error. 302 Found.” is the message. I can copy the location and pull results.

A side note, Purple Air is changing their access to the live data. You now need an API KEY to access data. Not sure this is related. But yesterday the shared custom PHP I had was working. Today it’s not. And my AQICHART.GIF flat lined last night at 21:00 hours. A bit coincidental if you ask me.

I made a backup of the AQICHART.GIF file so you can see it as it died.

So yeah, anyone know what’s going on?

It’s looking more and more like it’s related to PurpleAir shutting down their JSON server. To get to the AQI live data, an API READ key is needed. So I’ve requested one of those.

I entered my API key and my graph is still flat lined. I think the graph is linked to the old method and not the new one.

See Heads-up: PurpleAir JSON query now requires an API key... grrrrr.

Is this actually a Weather Display problem though? You mention PHP which suggests it’s not.

I believe the graph is using the old no longer viable method of getting data and would need to be updated to the new method.

This change by Purple Air will also break PHP scripts but that will need to be fixed separately.

I just noticed my graph has flatlined too however, the widget and map appear to be updating okay.


I received an API key from PA. I used the same sensor number from the Purple Air script, and that test does show results. But my AQI number in the chart is still flat.

I’ve reworked the purpleair-inc.php script to use the new API. Seems to be working on my page now.

They were fairly fast in providing an API key, but stunningly, the process was via email… The FAQ on their site needs to be changed now that the old method is turned off.

purpleair-inc.txt (18.1 KB)

Hi all,
Same thing happened to me (running under WD, Macintosh) with the cronpurpleair. I still can see the json data from my PA sensor using a URL like which is reporting all the data but it’s flatlining AQI in WD.


Hi All.

Same issue her, using WD and pws web site.
Hope Brian and leuven7 (wim) is looking into this one.

I’m beginning to wonder if there was a firmware update to the PA causing issues. When I did a test on the local IP previously, I never had any issues. Now I’m getting the attached error. But it will still show the numbers after the test.



Same problem as 92merc. Same error message and results.

If the developers need to, I can setup a reverse proxy directly to my PA. Just PM me and I’ll send you the link.

I, too, am getting the WD message box for a HTTP 302 error when I try the Test button in the Purpleair setup. I’m on build 140 of WD (current).
Using a browser or wget on my local network, it responds normally to the query and returns a valid JSON file.
Firmware version 7.00 in the PAII-SD sensor.

I think it’s a WD issue to fix.


I did a WireShark capture of a test to my local PurpleAir sensor json from the WD, Advanced Settings, Purpleair setup - test button activated

I’ve attached the PDF of the printout of the main WD:Purpleair interactions. A normal HTTP GET for /json, a HTTP1.1 200 return (OK) with JSON data and an end-sequence packet. All normal and expected.

WD responds with a dialog box that 92merc showed above and my AQI is also flatlined. I tried using my API key and only using api.purpleair.com, but AQI graph is still flatlined. Dismayed…

purpleair-wd-packet-capture4.pdf (205 KB)

I am having the same issue.

Out of curiosity, what firmware are people running on their PA?

I have 6.06a. I’ve been told that I won’t get 7.00 as that needs a 2MB device.

As my PA was one of the early ones, it is only 1MB.

Mine is a PAII-SD and auto-upgraded to 7.00

Mine is a PurpleAir PAII which automatically upgraded to firmware 7.00

mine is Firmware version 7.00 also I would to know when it auto updated to 7.00. For some reason the WD tag %purpleairaqi% has stopped updating . Does the update from 6 to 7 change anything in WD?

I don’t think so, when my unit updated to 7.0 everything was still working. I think Purple Air killed the URL that WD was getting the data from a bit after the update.