After choosing tags not to include the units used, the following happened:
some wind and rain data still includes the units, but that’s not a big deal;
the pressure tags %baro%, %highbaro%, %lowbaro% and %trend%, the ones I use, become strange, as the decimal doesn’t appear; for exemple, it gives “1019.” (%baro%), or “0.” (%trend%); however, another tag I use, %pressurechangein6hours%, appears to be ok.
I had the same problem myself. I now use the following tags:-
Current barometric pressure %currentpressureinmb%
High barometric pressure %maxbaroinmetric%
Low barometric pressure %minbaroinmetric%
This way you dont get a 1030. figure with no decimal.
yeah, those tags use what is on the screen…but that has units, so wd tehn tries to strip off the units…but it must be over doing it…maybe you only have mb instead of hpa?
anyway, i should write more code and not do it that way…
but, yes, there are other tags to use, specific for metric…or US units