Brian - upgraded from 9.94 to 9.97h tonight - within 45 mins WD had totally disappeared from memory (system W2K Advanced Server - P3 350 MHz, 512 Mb RAM…)
When I restarted it - had to wait ages once it came up with a screen before I could do anything in the window BUT every now and then the window seems to dance around itself like a bad cartoon picture.
Also the Alarm LED keeps illuminating but, double clicking on on the LED doesn’t indicate any error condition.
At this stage I am going to go back to 9.94 as it has been running without any problems since you released it.
I noticed the same thing.
I turned off the “screen shaking” in the weather warning email section of the setup menu.
Also, and I never noticed it before, there is a “this month” button on the alarm reset screen that I get when clicking on the flashing red alarm LED on the WD console. All my alarms have been for this month.
with the new month, comes new all time records for the month that will get exceeded, and they produce alarms, and clicking on this month will show that alarm
you guys worry too much
you can turn off the shake screen option , under setup, weather warning setup, and sorry you think its like a cartoon
Brian, think you misread my report - the main screen shows a Warning Red Led - but when you double click on it to bring up the wanring screen there are NO LED’s in red - they are ALL green - this is (was as I have gone back to v9.94) my concern.
However, because it is disappearing from memory every hour I could not use that version.
Brian - I think you have taken this personally again.
Maybe some people like the shaking, maybe you believe it is a ‘cool feature’ - but if something like that is introduced in a new version, then surely the default action should NOT be to have it turned on, but let the user choose.
Besides - seeing this ‘shaking’ action go off every minute (because that’s how frequently it was happening) is, unfortunately, not my idea of a feature I want to have seen on a Server screen.
Brian - my point here is that something introduced like this shouldn’t be ON by default - because to turn it off, given the long and strange heirachy of WD menus, makes it almost impossible to locate the ‘turn off switch’.
‘This Month’ must be a new setting/option as this doesn’t show in v9.94 - all I get is the Email Warning setup screen.
However - I would also query why the alarms have to be re-set monthly - is this another new feature as it never used to happen this way and, to be honest, would be an absolute pain if this is now the default way of giving alarm indication.
there are 2 sets of alarms, all time records to date and month to date, and soon to be year to date
this is the first complaint i have had of the shakign screen (just click on the flashing alarm and it will stop), and that feature has been there for 2 months now
as i say, you cant please everyone, but you can turn it off.
Arghh Brian - the ‘complaint’ is that in 9.97h it is going off every minute - that coupled with the fact that v 9.97h kept dropping out of memory suggested there is a problem - nothing more, nothing less.
My other comment is purely as a programmer/system designer - if I put a new feature into a system, unless that feature enhances or improves the way the system works then, by default, I have it turned off giving the user the option to turn it on - that way it doesn’t catch them unawares or make them start searching for a way to turn it off - possibly also turning something else, unrelated, off.
But - again - these comments were made as it was indicative of another problem which appeared to be connected (but may not be).
have a nice day as they say in the usa[color=brown][/color]
I thought it was "no new taxes"?
The shake is kind of interesting. We never have real earth quakes here, or one could say to the rather large one in the house, see you need a diet, your affecting even the computer, then you get to wake up in the hospital with a nice rest behind youl. :twisted:
The shaking screen has been in several versions possibly as far back as june this year Brian will put use right on the exact time he put it in, as for the alarm led on the the all time and all time month the reset has been made easier now a back button is introduced on the all time month.
wtih the new month , there are alarms that will go off at first for record for the month
what i will do is put a LED over the button for this month, and have that flashing, so you can see its an alarm for this month
i am going to add record to date for the year too…in time for the new year