Hi all.
I just upgraded to wdl premium and got a new icon set from some web site.
These are jpg files, named like 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5_1.jpg 5_2.jpg and so fort.
For example http://www.elosalama.fi/weatherdata/pics/icons/jpg/1.jpg
Wich shows just fine…
No when i put this url to wdl configurator and save it + move the config file to my server…it show nothing, when i clean the urls, original icon comes in view just fine… What am i missing here.
The files are stored on my lan nas and work on lan address http://192.168.XX.XXX/weatherdata/pics/icons/jpg/1.jpg
with browser just fine… Some reason they just dont appear on my weather station panel does the size matter here ? pics are256*256 16mil colors around 40KB in size.
Thx in advance