Problem with Control Panel

Having a problem with the control panel menu. It will not open the “units & other settings menu” when you click on this the control panel hides itself behind the main screen and freezes and you have to press esc to get anything to work again. I suspect that it is opening off screen but all the stuff I have found about how to get a screen back into view doesn’t seem to work because it’s a sub-screen of the control panel and doesn’t seem to show up if you stack or cascade etc.

Have you tried restarting WD and if that still does not work how about a re-boot?


Yes tried both those, no joy.

What version of WD are you running?

Latest version 10.37S Build 150

I know Brian has posted in the past where to find the settings for screen position(s). Most likely stored in the wdisplay.ini file.

Using version 151 and having a similar problem - the ‘Control Panel’ won’t open at all - just see a flash in the Task Bar.

When I use Alt/Tab to view screens, there is a blank (white) screen in the ‘list’ with ‘Control Panel’ in the title - so screen is ‘open’ but not visible - and doesn’t come into focus when selected.

Hadn’t noticed till now that I am working on a Linux Mint install on a separate PC and wanted to check on some existing Windows settings.

u/dcrooks did you find an answer earlier?

From wdisplay.ini file:

[control panel]