Sorry, i don’t want to be nagging, but can someone please explain to me (exactly) what i need to do to get ‘old’ data in WD?
Like i said, i cannot have my PC on 24/7, so i would like to use the data that the console is able to store (in my case 175 times 10 min point). I have my PC on at least once a day, so that would do.
In Heavy weather, this feature works great. When i start heavy weather it immediately starts to collect al stored datapoints with the proper 10 min interval. However, in WD i simply can’t get it to work! I have read all posts (especially the one from sebafil), but get confused on how to set it up properly.
What i have done (tested) so far.
[1] I have set heavy weather to collect a datapoint (in the history.dat file) every 10 minutes. Then i went in WD (deleted all logs and datafiles first) and switched on the logger with 10 mins setting. After that WD ran for a few hours and then i switched pc off for the night. The next day (8-9 hours later) i powered it up again and WD as well. WD immediately started downloading from the console. After 15 minutes or so it was finished, but the graph window was big mess. Timescale was totally wrong and also not nearly all 8-9 hours were collected. So, i don’t know if i missed something, but this doesn’t work for me.
[2] Method two i tried after reading the discussion with sebafil. Again i deleted all log and data files for a clean start. I switched off the datalogger. I let WD run for a few hours and then switched it off for the night. The next day i exported the data from Heavy Weather which looked fine to me in the text file (nice 10 minutes datapoints). I went to WD and imported the file in the datalogger window, with a 10 min padding setting. The progress bar progressed a bit but then stops 1/3 from the start and the window says ‘finished’ almost immediately. In the graph window i see some changes, but they are all for the bad 
Time scale is totally screwed up and datapoints go everywhere. Again, no joy.
Both methods seem to fail in my case. Very strange, as Heavy Weather does this very well allthough being very basic. So, am i doing something very stupid, or forgetting something trivial…i don’t know. Hopefully someone can point out to me how to do it. There must be more users of WD that us a WS2300 right?
I see comments flying around about changing times in the ‘davis’ section in the ini file??? I have found this file and also the line to change…but what and why must i change it? Do i have to do that every day or just one time?
In short…please help 