Previous data from Lacrosse ws-2310

Hi all,

I recently bought a LaCrosse WS2310 WS. Supplied with this ws is the ‘heavy weather’ software. The manual states that the display unit can store up to 175 datapoints when the pc is not on. When i start the Heavyweather software, the program immediately starts to to collect these datapoints from the display unit.
However, i can’t get WD to download these datapoints. I can’t have my PC on all the time, so i end up with ‘gaps’ in the graphs, as WD only seems to collect data ‘live’.

Is there a setting that enables WD to collect the old data from the display unit? Or is this option simply not implemented? I normally use my PC every day for at least an hour or so, so i have set the display unit to save datapoints every 10 minutes which allows me to save date from 24 hours. This give me data from the complete day, every day.

Thanks in advance.


make sure the time/date on the console are correct
then in wd go to setup, control panel, data logger setup, and turn that on
and set the data pad out to 10

its not perfect…and i have tried to improve it…but it does have trouble with barometer, etc

but i do have it now where you can import the heavy weather exported history .txt file…of any missing data,…from that ws22310 datalogger setup screen,…and that way you can recover missed data


I have got the datalogging to work. Do i understand correctly that it can’t do the same as HeavyWeather, i.e. save a datapoint every 10 minutes? With Heavyweather i can retrieve a days worth of data by switching on the PC once a day (175 datapoint times 10 minutes = 1750/60= 29 hours). For some reason WD won’t retrieve anything above 175 minutes old.

Can you explain me how to do the last part of your message? I couldn’t find any option in the datalogger screen to import datafiles.

I can’t have my pc on all day, but i would like to have weather data for all of the days.

Thanks in advance.


Sorry, i don’t want to be nagging, but can someone please explain to me (exactly) what i need to do to get ‘old’ data in WD?

Like i said, i cannot have my PC on 24/7, so i would like to use the data that the console is able to store (in my case 175 times 10 min point). I have my PC on at least once a day, so that would do.

In Heavy weather, this feature works great. When i start heavy weather it immediately starts to collect al stored datapoints with the proper 10 min interval. However, in WD i simply can’t get it to work! I have read all posts (especially the one from sebafil), but get confused on how to set it up properly.

What i have done (tested) so far.

[1] I have set heavy weather to collect a datapoint (in the history.dat file) every 10 minutes. Then i went in WD (deleted all logs and datafiles first) and switched on the logger with 10 mins setting. After that WD ran for a few hours and then i switched pc off for the night. The next day (8-9 hours later) i powered it up again and WD as well. WD immediately started downloading from the console. After 15 minutes or so it was finished, but the graph window was big mess. Timescale was totally wrong and also not nearly all 8-9 hours were collected. So, i don’t know if i missed something, but this doesn’t work for me.

[2] Method two i tried after reading the discussion with sebafil. Again i deleted all log and data files for a clean start. I switched off the datalogger. I let WD run for a few hours and then switched it off for the night. The next day i exported the data from Heavy Weather which looked fine to me in the text file (nice 10 minutes datapoints). I went to WD and imported the file in the datalogger window, with a 10 min padding setting. The progress bar progressed a bit but then stops 1/3 from the start and the window says ‘finished’ almost immediately. In the graph window i see some changes, but they are all for the bad :frowning:
Time scale is totally screwed up and datapoints go everywhere. Again, no joy.

Both methods seem to fail in my case. Very strange, as Heavy Weather does this very well allthough being very basic. So, am i doing something very stupid, or forgetting something trivial…i don’t know. Hopefully someone can point out to me how to do it. There must be more users of WD that us a WS2300 right?

I see comments flying around about changing times in the ‘davis’ section in the ini file??? I have found this file and also the line to change…but what and why must i change it? Do i have to do that every day or just one time?

In short…please help :cry:


i dont have my ws2310 here at the moment,someone has borrowed (but its being returned)
but if you email me the file you are importing (the heavy weather file)
then I should at least be able to get that going
why are you not able to leave the pc and wd running all night?
(as that is what 99% are doing)

Well…it is in the room where i sleep :oops: even though i have fairly silent fans in it it simply makes to much noise en generates too much heat for me to sleep. In the morning when i wake up i switch it on again.

As i was experimenting a lot with all possibilities, the history file is empty now. I did send you a file yesterday though. I can resend it to you (as a matter of fact i’ll do that right away).

Can you tell me if i need to do anything else before importing the file. change davis time or padding time. And, is it normal that the progress bar for importing goes all the way to the end or is 1/3 normal? Do i have to refresh anything or restart WD?

9:30 pm here, heading to bed after beiing up at 1am still

i will look at the file you send me tomorrow



i have it working here with your data
2 things to note:
you need to tick, there is a , instead of a . for decimal place in the data

in the wdisplay.ini file (from C:\windows or c:\winnt), you need to set, before you start up wd and go the data logger setup, the start times:
i.e in this section:
[Davis download]

but what i will do is add to the data logger setup where you can set the start extraction time/date from
(i.e that time must be prior to the date and time in the history.txt log file you are importing)

in 10.17b beta, ready soon, you can now set time to import the data from from the heavy weather log export .txt file
and you can set wd to do this auto at start up too (untested until i get my ws2310 back ) (but first set the data file location)

Brian, that sounds great! I can’t try right now, but will do it immediately when i get home.

An example though for me to understand correctly:

Say, i had WD running today from 0800am to 0114pm, then WD off from 0114pm to 1016pm. At 1016pm WD is switched on again.
This is a total ‘off time’ of 10 hours and 2 minutes.
What time should i set the import to in this case?

One other question. Does it matter that the last datapoint from WD, when it was still on, doesn’t coincide with the 10 minute samples from heavy weather? For instance, when the latest WD datapoint is at 0432pm and the next HeavyWeather datapoint (from history.txt) is at 0435pm and the next at 0445pm and so on…). Thereby there is first a 3 minute interval in the graph and after that 'notmal 10 minute intervals?


PS: big thanks for you work Brian!

wd will automaticly know when it was last running
so if it finds the missing times in the data import file from heavy weather, if will use it
make sure you have the data pad out set correct too…for the interval set in heavy weather

answer to Q…
it will mean that 3 minute data will be expanded 10 times to fill out 10 minutes if you have 10 minute pad out selected

Hmmm…still a little confused…my first question was about this:

“but what i will do is add to the data logger setup where you can set the start extraction time/date from
(i.e that time must be prior to the date and time in the history.txt log file you are importing)”

When i want to import data, you say an extraction time can be set and that it must be prior to the history date and time.

This part i don’t understand completely. When i want data imported from, say: 1023pm to 0815am. What time for extraction must be set then?

The other question was very clearly explained :smiley:

well, 22 for hour, 23 for minute, and set the day to one behind the current day

that should work

Thanks a bunch, i sure hope it works as well as it looks!!

Would be great to have this working finally. I think a lot of other are helped with this as well.
