I had a power outage today. I was not home and my UPS died and my computer went down. When I brought it back up WD started up but it had not DATA. It’s still on my computer. Is there some way I can restore it from what on the disk? All my settings to all the services I upload are also gone. Help would be much appreciated. I hate to loose many years of Data.
Two days ago , I returned to my Computer to find that all the Programs including WeatherDisplay and Wxsim had closed and were no longer on my Taskbar at bottom of the screen .
Not only did I have to sign back in to my Microsoft account , but also into Weatherdisplay and Wxsim.
Now here’s the strange part, My Weather Display had Readings but not current readings and was not getting updated information.
Also, since I am running Weatherlink IP data from my Vantage Pro 2 Plus into it, all my User information, DID and Key/API were blank on the WD “Weather Station Set-up” page. All the Weather Station Type was still there .
After going through the set-up wizard , and resetting the information, I was unable to get WD working again . It says it is receiving data from the station but the readings on the Current conditions page are not updating .
On the WXSIM Program : all “Wxsimate” source fields were blank including the METAR station ID however the model fields were checked , GFS, NAM and etc…
I am not able to restart WXSIM itself at all, and when I click on the Start button I am getting a pop up box that says "End Time Error ‘62’ : Input past end of file "
If anyone has had this happen to them and knows what is going on and how to resolve it , please let us know.
the link in post 2 of this thread should help get WD back up
do you backup your wxsim folder and do you have a copy of the setup info you got from Tom when you got wxsim
Restarted PC and reset Setup Wizard which started WD again, however the erase of the Weatherlink info on the Station set-up page remains a mystery, and has yet to be explained or resolved…
As for Wxsim , a corrupted file was the culprit. which after overwriting with correct data resolved the issue and Wxsim is back running again !
Can you just conform you followed the FAQ in the link in post #2 about replacing your WDISPLAY.INI file in the main WD program with the latest one from your backup files and this has not worked?
You don’t need to use the setup wizard to do this, just replacing the file will bring all your settings back.
If the July backup was also corrupt, then maybe try a WDISPLAY.INI from last June or May.
Actually after reviewing the WD event Log , Brian suggested to reboot the PC in which re entering the Weatherlink user info resumed the Weather Station readings.
As for WXSIM , a corrupted WXSIM file was the problem which by rewriting over the file with the last good file data before the crash, eliminated the issue.
Thanks !
This is a simple guide to recovering data in the event of a power failure.
But I have set that if I restart the pc so it automatically turns on wd and starts reading data from the loger.
Is this correct if I don’t have the wdisplai ini folder repaired after a power failure?
Or do I have to deactivate wd autorun until the folder is repaired?