Pool Temperture Probe Anyone Know?

Does anyone have a pool temperature probe going through WD? I see where they have a soil temp probe. I live in Phoenix Arizona. We don’t need no stinking soil temp probe we know the soil is HOT, we want to know how cool the pool is so we can get off the HOT soil :smiley: I have a wireless temp probe in the water connected to Oregon Scientific RMR166 mini station. I can’t find any OS stations that have a computer port on it to get that data to WD. It would be kind of fascinating to see the graphs of the water temperature fluctuation, guess the humidity at that sensor would always be 100% :lol: Anyone got anything like that going?

This person has one graphed on their site, using a Davis VP http://home.cfl.rr.com/thehowses/sunsetlakesweather.htm


You can use Weather Display, a one wire DS9097U PC interface with a simple ~$5 temp sensor in a test tube filled with clear silicone. This can be safely placed in a skimmer or similar location.