Parsing json from luftdaten aqi sensor

I am new to parsing json files. I have looked at a few demos online but I can not figure out how to parse this one into PHP vars .
Is there anyone that can assist me please?

    "software_version": "NRZ-2024-135",
    "age": "75",
    "sensordatavalues": [
            "value_type": "SDS_P1",
            "value": "4.05"
            "value_type": "SDS_P2",
            "value": "3.22"
            "value_type": "samples",
            "value": "5388193"
            "value_type": "min_micro",
            "value": "26"
            "value_type": "max_micro",
            "value": "20039"
            "value_type": "interval",
            "value": "145000"
            "value_type": "signal",
            "value": "-51"

You already use the Luftdaten block in PWS dashboard. I think that PWS_load_files.php loads a json around line 335, and then it is parsed in AQ_luftdaten_c_block.php

Don’t know if that helps. . .

Thanks, I will look at AQ_luftdaten_c_block.php
I have a second one for indoor AQI

You can probably modify and rename another AQ_Luftdaten_c_block to show the second sensor. I have done it with an AQ_gov_c_block for my Gaia A12 as proof of concept, but there is no forecast for the popup :slightly_frowning_face:

In fact, now I come to look at it, there already is an AQ_luftdaten2_c_block for AQ from Luftdaten sensor local storage: the main one is for data from Luftdaten sensor website :slightly_smiling_face:

awesome, I will look at AQ_luftdaten2_c_block
thank you