Parameters change with reboot

I have WS 2315 and the data transfer from the base station works great. The problem I see happens if I reboot my computer for some reason. Every time I reboot some of the data gets corrupted and I get huge swings in pressure, temp and humidity as evidenced by the graphs. This has happened with rain data as well. The data overwritten is usually the 15 minutes or so preceding the reboot. Any ideas?

which version of weather display?

Hello, Weather Display v 10.13e

one thing that you could do if that happens is try the conversion of the log files to graph files…see under action, convert wd log files to data files, choose the log file, the current one (it should show auto), then click on convert
that should repair the data

Thank you for the advice. I tried this and the 24 and greater graphs are really weird. The pressure readings are in the thousands and the other parameters are also not reasonable. Maybe I did not follow your directions, here is what I did:

Action, convert WD log file to graphs, select logfile (72004lg.txt), convert

One more observation with respect with the pressure readings: I saved and closed WD, rebooted PC and upon reopening WD discovered that the pressure readings for the time while the computer was off are absolute pressure not relative as when the computer is on. This explains the spike down for a few minutes. I do not yet see a correlation with the temp and humidity. There are usually five readings for each minute while the computer is off (the replicate lines for the same minutes are identical).

I also see the same phenomenon when I simply exit WD for a few minutes and then restart the program.

under setup, control panel, data logger setup, you will need to set a baro offset there so that the extracted ws2310 data at start up baro reading is correct…

OK, I thought it would turn out to be something I didn’t set up correctly. Thanks for your excellent support. I edit the offset as your suggest.