Page refresh

I upload customclientraw.txt from WD every 20 seconds (at least, I think I do), and realtimeInterval is set to 20 seconds in gauges.js

But the page does not refresh every 20 seconds: maybe every 40 seconds, if I’m lucky.

I have tried setting realtimeInterval anywhere between 10 and 40 secs, with no apparent difference in performance.

So what actually drives a refresh?

are the time stamps on server 20 seconds apart?

Your page is downloading customclientraw.txt every 20 seconds, but the content of the file is only updating every 30 seconds. You need to get the two times synchronised, either increase the gauges to 30 seconds, or reduce WD to 20 seconds.

Thanks. I’ll have to ask Brian about that, file is supposed to be updated every 20 seconds :?

LATER EDIT: Increased gauges to 30 seconds and page now seems to refresh regularly every 40 seconds. I suppose that’s not too bad, 20 seconds is a bit of a conceit :wink:

Yes :slight_smile:

Only just worked out how to see that: Windows Explorer only shows minutes, I have to use FileZilla to see seconds. . .

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