other real time clientraw.txt upload settings v10.13m prob

problem - website www.2jthomas.com, main weather files in
subweb /Weather. WDL will not load “configuration error” if clientraw and
config are in subweb. Works if in root (www.2jthomas.com- wdl.html).
have ftp user set up to point to /Weather this is set up in connections. Set
up second ftp user to point to root. In WDL setup ticked use this ftp settings
for real time. Set to root ftp user, the realtime ftp client always defaults to
the logged on ftp user set up in connections which points to /Weather.
Tried ticking run a 2nd program, it never fires up.
Any suggestions short of moving all weather files to web root. :?:

email me your settings, and I will try from here
(go action, back up registry entry now, then email me the file wdisplayftp.reg from the folder databackup)

also, which version of weather display?

re the 2nd verison:
I am also using that setup too: works for me as well…(it runs clientrawrealtimeftp2.exe (do you have that file?)…if it does not run (but it does for me when i restart wd), then just start that .exe program manualy (to test it)

(to get that file though you will need to do a full download of weather display)

the main thing is i am using both of those extra setups myself,OK, as I need them (and i have the 2nd run running to get my data to someone else)…

You should be able to setup a second WDL page in a sub directory, with the code in that page pointing to the config and clientraw in the root and that should work fine - I do it myself. Have you tried that?


I never got “Other real time ftp upload settings” to work under WDL setup.

But, by specifing “…/clientraw.txt”(minus quotes) in “Use this file name on
the FTP server instead”, the file loaded up one level and took care of my
problem. Now everything works under 1 user name, with subdirectories.

The problem of “Use this FTp setting” is still out there, as well as the movie
not running “invalid configuration” in a subdirectory. But this handles the immediate problem.

Thanks for the help, guess I need to buy it now.

i cant see how giving the file name as that would force it to change directory to 1 level lower
if you could send me you settings, or do a screen shot of your setup screen, i can look into what you have done
as I said, I use those settings, the other settings and a 2nd real time client raw program, and they both work OK ( i needed to to keep 2 differently named clientraw files in the same registered directory),and it works OK…so if it doesnt for you,then i am suspecting you dont have it set correctly…

using your settings
and by ticking use these settings for the real time ftp instead
and leaving the remote directory as blank
i am getting a clientraw.txt file uploaded to:

which is where you wanted it…
you can tell its from me here, as I changed the station name to be testing
and the data is null data too…(i test data)

thats interesting

now has your data there
so you are actualy updating that file, like you wanted to, anyway…and in the correct directory

also, i notice that you have the update interval slow at only every 60 seconds, in the real time ftp setup…

just some follow up notes…
i changed the file name to use in your settings back to clientraw.txt, and along with a remote directory as blank, my test file was getting uploaded to the root directory
but, your file is getting there by using a file name as …/clientraw.txt
i dont understand why that happens, but thats computers for ya

check your setup requirements given to your by your web server provider do you have a hidden host directory.

mine has and my remote directory in ftp setup looks something like


the word name being replaced with the hidden host directory name this does not show up in your web address

suggest you check you web page using the manage your ftp server under action in wd see if it gives you something

the point is, using the his settings, i got to work by simply ticking use other setup, and having the remote directory as blank, and the file name to use as clientraw.txt
i.e that works, as would be expected

ok had his flash working from root but error from his weather folder
which folder has he put the config file in

i am now confussed as to what settings should be used
i only have 2 items ticked on the svg\wdl setup page ie enable real time and include last hour wind etc and it works have i missed something plus log out log in set at 30 min and upload delay set to 15 secs