Oregon WMR100


how is the quality Oregon WMR100? Is there any trouble with these station? How is outside temp in full suny day if if the temp reading is correct?

In my opinion…if you want wireless and cost is an issue then it is a nice station. It does over-read temps when in full sunlight. The radiation shield is way to small to be effective. I have found that it suffers from RFI, it doesn’t take much to interrupt the signal between the sensors and console. The rain bucket measures 0.04" per/tip so can take a long time before it registers rain.

OS did make some changes to the WMR100 since I bought mine so some of these issues may have been corrected. Attached is what mine looks like…


No issues with mine had it over a year now

How much is temp reading to big ? From real one?

Usually about 3-5 degrees high. It does have a semi-radiation shield, it’s just too small.

So much!!! #-o Whow then i must by one new senzor for out temp ?
I have now Oregon BAR208 HG and is working fine! But i want to have senzor for wind.
These station Oregon WMR100 is not good ! :x

That’s not fair, it’s an inexpensive consumer weather station. Stations in that price range generally don’t have a shelter for the temp sensor and will read too high when the sun shines. If the temp sensor is a separate unit you can build a simple and low cost shelter like this one that will improve the accuracy of the temperature readings.

I have the wmr100 and its temp reading are fine. You need to place the sensors in an area with no radiated heat. Like concrete terrain. Try to keep sensor away from objects that absorb and release it like dark colored objects, wood, cement, brick, stone, etc. Or at least 15 ft away from these surfaces.


Do you have extra sensor? Or all in one? Because when the sun shine direct in the anometer it will be a problem with temperatur? High temp!

How is these weather station? WMRS200