Currently OpenWeather is mailing their users to update from the free API-2.5 to the paid for API-3.0
Please check your version of the script if you still use version 2.5
I scanned a few websites and there are some users with PHP 500 errors with the OpenWeather load script.
PWS_load_files.php (502) Darksky_______: time spent: 0.0105 -
PROBLEM => http_code: 500, no valid data
I have nop idea what is hapening at your site.
There are multiple changes in the script.
I downloaded it again, just to be sure. First lines correct version are
<?php $scrpt_vrsn_dt = 'PWS_Dark_Openweather.php|01|2023-09-09|'; # version: 2023-09-09 beta replacement for darksky users
# # date improvement
# # ------------- ----------------------------------------------
#----------------------------------------------- # 2024-05-09 removed unit error for US users
# PWS-Dashboard - Updates and support by
# Wim van der Kuil
# display source of script if requested so
if (isset($_REQUEST['sce']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'view' ) {
Your version . . . ogoda/PWS_Dark_Openweather.php?sce=view
<?php $scrpt_vrsn_dt = 'PWS_Dark_Openweather.php|01|2023-09-09|'; # new beta replacement for darksky users
header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
# PWS-Dashboard - Updates and support by
# Wim van der Kuil
# display source of script if requested so
if (isset($_REQUEST['sce']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'view' ) {
Your version is 5 lines shorter and has at least a dozen changes.
Please reload from PWS_Dashboard 2012_lts updates the zip dated 2024-05-09 Free download:
Unzip and upload to your website.
Check if you entered the correct API-key as the data returned is empty.
I can not test any further as all keys are secret and can not be accessed or checked from the outside world.