I’ve just come back to this after nearly 2 years and I can’t get the script working. Part of the problem appears to be that the DODS data isn’t being delivered reliably on request and secondly I think that a variable or two might have changed names in the intervening time. Can anyone else confirm whether the script is still working for them, or if they’ve made changes to keep it working? I’ve made the DODS port number change from 9090 to 443 so that’s not the problem.
If the script needs mods then I will try to fix it, but if the data provision is unreliable then I’m not sure I’m going spend time fixing the script if the ultimate fix is outside my control.
My maps are working, but not as smooth as they used too.
Initially I thought it was the data but I’m not good with these, so left it alone.
I have just had a look and I’m currently using GrADS 2.2.0 but notice there is GrADS 2.2.1 available, so I don’t know if something has been updated in that which may sort the issues?
I’m getting intermittent errors about data not available. Doesn’t work a couple of times and the next time it does, so I don’t think it’s the script that’s wrong.
I’m using the latest Opengrads 2.2.1, although that’s about 3 years old now. I think I probably used 2.2.1 when I last worked on the scripts so I don’t think that’s the issue.
Looking at the other thread about this…they are seeing very similar errors to those I see and they appear to be using OpenGrads v2.2 so I don’t think it’s a version issue.
After a bit more digging I think the problem is due to data availability. For example, I tried generating some charts using today’s 00z data (it’s now 10:00 UTC) but got a data error. Same thing if I tried to use yesterday’s 18z data, but I have more success using yesterday’s 12z data.
If I just try opening the 1 hourly data sets in Grads without processing any data I get an error for today’s 00z, but yesterday’s 12z and 18z both open without error. I can open this morning’s 3 hourly dataset without error. This is about as basic usage as you can do…Grads just opens the dataset and reads the info to determine what data is included in it.
Not sure where to go from here.
I just modified the script to use 3 hourly interval data and successfully generated about 6 different charts with today’s 00z data. So the problem seems to be with the 1 hourly data.