ObserverIP consolewd rpi3

I see the problem
use a new update

I’m using the new updated download and it is still advancing by 1 each cycle. Is it supposed to do that?

Also the monthly startup rain is now 8.6mm but it’s showing “raw rain70.9”?

Station name =My station
Daily rain startup= 0.0
start up month rain found=8.6<-
Monthly rain startup= 8.6
wunderground username =
wunderground password =
wunderground utc =-5
Dir offset= 0
Barooffset= 0.0
Comport is USB to serial
Davis com method d
Yes Revb Davis VP
Davis rain gauge .01 inch
mysql username =
mysql server =
mysql databasename =
mysql tablename =
Will do mysql metric
mysql time interval = 300
cwop station id =
cwop call sign = -1 // -1 is default (you do not have a Ham call si
cwop latitude=
cwop longitude=
FTP server =
FTP username =
FTP port = 21
FTPremote dir =
Will do ftp passive
remote file =
FTP time interval = 60
wu =Y
Will save logfile
Will create custom file
Custom file name = wx.html
Custom file name 2=
Custom file name 3=
Custom file name 4=
Custom file name 5=
wind units = mph
baro metric= N
rain metric= N
Will run cron files
will update custom log
Custom log out = customlogout.txt
temp offset raw = <
wmr300 channel =1
utc hour=2
local hour=21
Weather Display vers WD_console_12.5
If use this program,then please consider sending a PayPal donation to [email protected] (Brian Hamilton)
to help with costs, and support, thanks!
running cronmeteobridge
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 19.6 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=70 Barometer=30.1 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 19.6 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=70 Barometer=30.1 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 19.6 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=70 Barometer=30.1 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 19.6 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=70 Barometer=30.1 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 19.6 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=70 Barometer=30.1 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 19.6 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=70 Barometer=30.1 Daily Rain=0.0

no, it should not be still doing that
re the raw rain total
consolewd stores its own rain totals (you can set the starting totals)
if you could email me the meteobridge connection settings again and open that up again I will do some testing re the advancing issue

ah, i see you have vers 12.5
vers 12.6 is the fix
but I did not update that correctly
stand by

download again now
to get vers 12.6

LOL, downloading now.

Curious, the “raw rain” reads 70.9?

Station name =My station
Daily rain startup= 0.0
start up month rain found=8.6<-
Monthly rain startup= 8.6
wunderground username =
wunderground password =
wunderground utc =-5
Dir offset= 0
Barooffset= 0.0
Comport is USB to serial
Davis com method d
Yes Revb Davis VP
Davis rain gauge .01 inch
mysql username =
mysql server =
mysql databasename =
mysql tablename =
Will do mysql metric
mysql time interval = 300
cwop station id =
cwop call sign = -1 // -1 is default (you do not have a Ham call si
cwop latitude=
cwop longitude=
FTP server =
FTP username =
FTP port = 21
FTPremote dir =
Will do ftp passive
remote file =
FTP time interval = 60
wu =Y
Will save logfile
Will create custom file
Custom file name = wx.html
Custom file name 2=
Custom file name 3=
Custom file name 4=
Custom file name 5=
wind units = mph
baro metric= N
rain metric= N
Will run cron files
will update custom log
Custom log out = customlogout.txt
temp offset raw = <
wmr300 channel =1
utc hour=3
local hour=22
Weather Display vers WD_console_12.6
If use this program,then please consider sending a PayPal donation to [email protected] (Brian Hamilton)
to help with costs, and support, thanks!
running cronmeteobridge
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
**** doing minute routines now 22:55:00
**** updating clientraw extra files
**** updating data logs
re creating the main logfile 22017
updating records to ini file
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9

that will be the rain total from meteobridge
when that increases, consolewd will increase its total
(this fix should fix the rain overread too)

Ah, yes, thanks. My meteobridge is showing that rain total for this year. Thank you.

Thanks for the help but I cannot seem to keep consolewd running for more than a few days and most of the time less than that. For whatever reason it fails with the same message and after searching it appears others have the same problem. I’ll consider trying again when the program matures some. If it becomes reliable I’d be more than happy to donate too.

Below is what it always stops on “EFCreateError : Unable to create file “/home/pi/consolewdfiles/wdconsole.ini””. The permissions are set to 777 so there is no reason it should fail to write, which is why I am confused and giving up at this point.

running cronmeteobridge
raw rain134.9
Current data : Temperature= 35.1 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =270 Humidity=99 Barometer=30.1 Daily Rain=2.3
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain135.1
new rain135.1
old rain134.9
inc rain by0.2
An unhandled exception occurred at $00115A80 :
EFCreateError : Unable to create file “/home/pi/consolewdfiles/wdconsole.ini”

OK, no point carry on, since you have given up and are not willing to even donate for my time to see if I can fix this?