Nws ftp download not working

Just noticed that my gaz032.txt forecast file is either not downloading or not being written to the folder on my c: drive. The FTP program is working, and connecting. It says it is retreiving the file, and copying it to c:\wdisplay. But I go there and there is no new file. If I try to go to ftp://weather.noaa.gov/data/directory_contents.txt , it will not connect. It seems like their server is down. Has anyone been experiencing the same problem with the NWS over the past few days?

There are several other posts on this subject, NWS seems to be messing with stuff at the moment.

Not a bug, NOAA stopped anonymous logins on that server

check out these 2 threads and download the latest zip update, 10.37 build 7
in noaa forecast setup screen you need to change the server to:




Thanks, Doug…

I just saw the blurb on NWS site as well and changed my setting to download from that server.
Not sure yet that its working properly…will know better tomorrow.

I do think that Brian needs to keep an eye on this NWS change, so when they get all settled, he can make appropriate changes in WD to account for the change.

Ok, running build #7 and it looks like the 5-day forecast isnt showing up. The new file is coming in from NWS, but it doesnt appear to be loading properly.

in noaa forecast setup, check to see if you still have the old server setup in one of the other setup screens, setup2 setup3, it could be overwriting the good file…
I know when I installed the latest build, when I went to noaa setup, it defaulted to setup2


It is on setup#1 and operating properly as far as I can see. The file is downlaoded to the correct folder and is updated regularly. However, when I start WD, the crawl comes up, starting with the VP’s native forecast. There is no 5 day forecast…the screens are blank. After a while, the crawl just stops and stays blank.

I checked the setup screen and it says Use this text for the VP forecast, and crawl on screen.

Not sure what’s wrong here…

do you have the correct file selected for the 5 day forecast in the noaa ftp download…(it tells you there what file is currently selected)

Yes, Brian. Same file name listed there: gaz032.txt. Tried removing it and putting back. Made sure '0" is the number, etc. The file IS downloading, just not going into the crawl and five-day forecast boxes…