Say, Brian, the main screen… the VP solar and UV still are not happening for me. I get the soil temp and wind run, but no uv solar .
AH HAH figured that out. If I go under setup - station type, you know where I check if I want wind run, if I uncheck that… then the solar comes back on line. It has something to do with a choice, do I want windrun, then no solar on the main screen.choose solar and then no wind run.
ah hah a clue… excuse me the misses has the bug repellant. and it gets only better… 
try a new 9.80b ardvark
then when you click on the windrun, the solar data should appear
re clicking means the wind run appears
thats good
separating the soil to down below the windspeed dial made it easier to see what was and what was not happening…
i am slowly getting back up to speed now after getting the snip last week (no more kids!)
Ouch, I feel for you. I had mine done about 15 years ago and can still remember the event and the following week vividly.
Take care of yourself. I have an associate who had that done. He is a severe diabetic and things went from not so bad to terrible.
He nearly lost them entirely . I think because he is overweight and diabetic, but none the less take it easy for a while.
Now if only I could have that done to some of my students to keep them from breeding .
i am now on antibiotics for a infected sore and swollen left nut
I ended up with a problem also. It was called Epididimo Orchitis or something like that, it was really painful. Any slight pressure or movement, the pain was instant and took a long time going.
But, even with the pain it was worthwhile…
i am trying to convince the wife that taking it easy is sitting in front of the computer, not doing housework, LOL
no longer go forth and multiply. So I started teaching science instead.
Yes, sitting is best in fact 9 out of 10 doctors say it is best to do just that.