NOAA style report stopped auto uploading

Hi Brian and everyone. I noticed a few days ago that my NOAA style report stopped uploading at the end of the day to my site. The averages and extremes are still upoading, but the NOAA report is not. I have to manually upload it to get it to the site. I just checked your page Brian and see that last upload to your site was on the 21st. It’s now the 25th by you. That’s about when mine stopped uploading too. Would appreciate if you could take a look into this. I am currently using version 10.22t but believe it may have started in 10.22r.


oh, you are right
same here
I fixed the problems at the end of the month with them not updating
but now it looks like I fixed the daily not updating, drat
I will see what I stuffed up and fix

ok, i see what i changed
uploading 10.22x full now to fix


And when you have time,(no hurry :)) could you change NOAA-report. Look at left column. Link below.

Thanks Brian for taking care of that. I haven’t loaded the new version yet. I was sleeping last night when you made the fix and have been shoveling snow all morning from yet another snowstorm. I tell ya I’m ready to move back to Florida, hurricanes or no hurricanes lol. Not sure what’s up with Eki’s page but will load the new version today and let you know how it goes after midnight.

Thanks again,

ah, that happens when yuou have less than -10
i will fix that too

Eki, if you could zip and email me your log file 22005lg.txt, i will fix that report with your data
also you said the number of days less than custom tag was also not working, so zip and email me your data file month22005.inf too :slight_smile:

Hi Brian,
I download 22y and we see what happend…
Thanks for the fast fix! :smiley:
No worry customscreen, they works fine now!

Just wanted to confirm that the NOAA report uploaded properly for me last night.

Thanks, Billy

Eki, if you could zip and email me your log file 22005lg.txt, i will fix that report with your data also you said the number of days less than custom tag was also not working, so zip and email me your data file month22005.inf too

File is on the way…