I have just received the Ecowitt WittBoy machine and would like to use the Ecowitt API, so very willing to test and help out.
The Ecowitt-API is not available for the current 2012-lts release.
I am testing it for the 2209-lts release which will be available in September as beta.
This topic is about why I should include the API as there is no advantage compared to the “Custom Upload.”
Okay understand, I have tried the custom upload using all the tutorials and my server will not accept the data, still trying.
post a screenshot of your GW1000/console setup
post a zip of the .htaccess you are using to let the server accept HTTP access for the . . /pwsWD/ecowitt/ scripts
If they seem correct I need the FTP credentials to acces your site so I can test using a GW1000 from here.
I have tried the custom upload using all the tutorials and my server will not accept the dataCan you say for sure that it is a problem with the receiving server or is it also possible that the GW2000 is not sending the data correctly? Have you tried sending via custom server to another destination? Maybe to [EAR](https://ear.phantasoft.de) as a test? Then you would at least know that the station and your local internet connection are not the source of the problem and that the cause is really to be found on the server.
post a screenshot of your GW1000/console setupBut yes, most of the problems are due to a wrong configuration of the custom server in the station. Followed by server problems like the automatic 301 redirection from http to https.
Just to make sure: the firmware of your GW2000 is current?
There was a problem with initial firmware v2.1.0 which were not able to send correct uploads via custom server.
Beside that the custom server configuration seems to be ok.
And apparently there is no forced redirection from http to https on server side.
So it really looks like your station is not sending any data to the server.
Does it send data to ecowitt.net or any built-in service?
I’ve not yet checked your htaccess …
Its sending it to Weathercloud okay. The firmware is Version: GW2000A_V2.1.2
Your .htaccess and the resulting tests: ALL OK
There is a correct file also uploaded every minute
[baromabsin] => 30.135
[baromrelin] => 30.135
[dailyrainin] => 0.000
[dateutc] => 2022-04-01 19:28:52
[eventrainin] => 0.000
[freq] => 868M
[hourlyrainin] => 0.000
[humidity] => 65
[humidityin] => 60
[maxdailygust] => 32.44
[model] => GW2000A
[monthlyrainin] => 0.000
[rainratein] => 0.000
[runtime] => 43137
[solarradiation] => 0.00
[stationtype] => GW2000A_V2.1.2
[tempf] => 40.1
[tempinf] => 67.3
[uv] => 0
[weeklyrainin] => 0.000
[wh90batt] => 3.16
[winddir] => 359
[windgustmph] => 8.95
[windspeedmph] => 3.58
[yearlyrainin] => 0.000
It seems a correct upload from a GW2000A is going on already for some time.
The key-file has Filetime: 2022-04-01 08:24:59 UTC => Age 11 hours 9 minutes 32 seconds
If the upload is not your data, please delete the key-file ecowitt/ecco_key.arr
Every time a GWxxxx or other Ecowitt console starts uploading, that file is made and only that station can upload to the ecowitt folder.
Okay so data is coming in I have “Ecowitt local Upload” setting on but nothing is showing on my webpage, what action am I missing.
As described here: https://pwsdashboard.com/documentation2012/42_ecowitt.pdf
Check the screenshot, it should work
Thanks Wim all up and working.
Wim I checked this morning and the Solar/UV has stopped reporting. I have checked the ecco-lar.arr and it shows the Solar Data, I wonder if you can look and see why it has stopped reporting on the dashboard.
ecco_lcl.arr.zip (1.1 KB)
Please go to your easyweathersetup.
It seems you selected a Weatherflow device to be used also.
Check tab “Devices” => last question “Sources for UV-solar data”
= = > You should select “Our station has both UV and solar”
@ALL How to check what weather-values are used:
This is all data currently processed by the scripts => https://www.twinfirs.co.uk/PWS_listdata.php
Or use the debug console, right button “Live Data values”
Scroll to the bottom and you can see the overrides of a non-existing or not reporting WeatherFlow device.
Contents of $weather-Array
[barometer] => 1022.5
[barometer_max] => 1022.6
[barometer_max_time] => 08:54
[barometer_min] => 1020.9
[barometer_min_time] => 02:49
[barometer_trend] => n/a
[barometer_trend_text] => n/a
[barometer_units] => hPa
[currentdescription] => n/a
[currentweathericon] => n/a
[date] => 02-04-2022
[datetime] => 1648886996
[dewpoint] => 0.1
[dewpoint_low] => -1.5
[dewpoint_low_time] => 05:44
[heat_index] => 1.6
[humidity] => 81
[humidity_indoor] => 52
[humidity_trend] => n/a
[lightning] => 0
[lightningkm] => 20
[lightningmi] => 12
[lightningtime] => 1633312978
[lightningtimeago] => 15574056
[loaded] => ecoLcl
[loaded_from] => /home/apexstar/twinfirs.co.uk/ecowitt/ecco_lcl.arr
[lux] => 24946
[rain_lasthour] => 0
[rain_month] => 0
[rain_rate] => 0
[rain_today] => 0
[rain_units] => mm
[rain_yday] => 0
[rain_year] => 0
[solar] => 206.55
[solar_max] => 226.91
[solar_max_time] => 09:04
[station_mdl] => GW2000A
[swversion] => Ecowitt_Lcl
[temp] => 3.1
[temp_feel] => 1.6
[temp_high] => 3.1
[temp_high_time] => 09:09
[temp_indoor] => 19.2
[temp_indoor_feel] => 18.6
[temp_low] => -0.1
[temp_low_time] => 06:09
[temp_trend] => n/a
[temp_units] => C
[time] => 09:09:56
[uv] => 1
[uv_max] => 2
[uv_max_time] => 09:04
[wetbulb] => n/a
[wind_direction] => 275
[wind_direction_avg] => 275
[wind_gust_speed] => 4.9
[wind_gust_speed_max] => 10.7
[wind_gust_speed_max_time] => 07:44
[wind_run] => n/a
[wind_speed] => 1.1
[wind_speed_avg] => 1.1
[wind_speed_max] => 7.4
[wind_speed_max_time] => 08:24
[wind_units] => mph
[windchill] => n/a
[windchill_low] => n/a
[windchill_low_time] => n/a
Contents of $weatherflow-Array
[dist_units] => km
[time] =>
[solar] =>
[uv] =>
[lux] =>
[lastlightningtime] => 0
[lightningdistance] => 0
[lightning] => 0
[lightning3hr] => 0
[lightningdistanceKM] => 0
[lightningdistanceMI] => 0
All working now many thanks again.