For a short time, no more data is loaded. Where is the mistake? The clientraw.txt and the other files are fine. translated by Google
You have not set the path to your clientraw files in config.js. The path to “Golden Bay” is there for an example.
The name “Golden Bay” is in the html. The config.js is okay. The clientraw data is in the same folder.
Not in my copy.
The config.js is okay. The clientraw data is in the same folder.
If that is the case then lines 4-8 of config.js should read
var clientRawName = "clientraw.txt", //The names of your clientraw files
clientRawExtraName = "clientrawextra.txt",
clientRawHourName = "clientrawhour.txt",
clientRawDailyName = "clientrawdaily.txt",
customBaseURL = false,
Used in the original
/*jslint plusplus: true, sloppy: true, indent: 4 */
//Ajust these values to your liking.
var clientRawName = "clientraw.txt", //The names of your clientraw files
clientRawExtraName = "clientrawextra.txt",
clientRawHourName = "clientrawhour.txt",
clientRawDailyName = "clientrawdaily.txt",
customBaseURL = false, // OPTIONAL: Set the path to where your clientraw files are uploaded e.g., "" (note: final backslash and quotation marks must be included). Otherwise leave as: false
lang = "en", //Set Language. To see what lanuages are currently supported, see the readme file at:
currentUnits = { //Default units (what the page will display when first loaded)
pressure: "hPa", //Options: "hPa" "mmHG" "kPa" "inHg" "mb"
altitude: "m", //Options: "m" "yds" "ft"
wind: "kmh", //Options: "kmh" "mph" "kts" "ms" "mm" "inch" "B" (Beaufort)
rainfall: "mm", //Options: "mm" "inch"
windDirection: "deg", //Options: "deg" (only one)
humidity: "percent", //Options: "percent" (only one)
solar: "Wm", //Options: "Wm" (only one)
uv: "noUnit", //Options: no units for UV
temp: "celsius" //Options: "celsius" "fahrenheit"
gaugeSettings = { //Gauges: apparent temperature barometer windChill graphHandlerBarometer graphHandlerRainfall graphHandlerTemperature graphHandlerWindSpeed humidity moonSun solar status rainfallTitle rainfallDay rainfallMonth rainfallYear UV windDirection windSpeed
solar: {
enabled: true
UV: {
enabled: true
windChill: {
mode: "windchill", //The default mode, either "heatIndex" or "windchill" (note: lowercase c)
autoSwitch: true //If true, will switch between heat index/wind chill depending on what is appropriate.
graphSettings = {
barometer: {enabled: true},
humidity: {enabled: true},
solar: {enabled: true},
temp: {enabled: true},
uv: {enabled: true},
windDir: {enabled: true},
windSpeed: {enabled: true},
rainfall: {enabled: true}
Then I am sorry, I have no idea why it is not working
If I Inspect your splash screen in my browser the Console section shows a lot of errors (failed to load resource, uncaught ReferenceError, etc.), but unfortunately I do not understand what they mean: I hope someone else can help.
Are config.js and FreshWDL.html both in the same folder as the clientraw files?
The problem is the servers where the .js data is located. Here is an example with the download from It takes a minute for the data to be loaded.
Yes, the clients and freshwdl are in one directory. It also worked 2, 3 weeks ago.
fresh wdl from here:
Oh, sorry, I thought it was a new installation when I was trying to help :oops:
It works. Yerren’s server might be overloaded?
I had noticed that he has moved everything to . .
Your web server may be configured this way deliberately but FreshWDL works and FreshWDL doesn’t work (giving a data unavailable warning).
Neither of them work for me in Edge or Chrome. . .
EDIT: www works now :?
Doesn’t load again. Server down?
Mine is OK :?