No data on my PWS website **Solved**

Since a few hours, my site does not display any data for no apparent reason, even though the data is present on WU?
Do you have an idea?
Thanks in advance

Running _test.php shows more errors than I have ever seen before - and PWS_module_test.php does not appear properly, so I can’t even check “Load files”.

I think you’ll have to wait for Wim to see this :slightly_frowning_face:

Hi TenZen,

I think you have to check your WU API-key / settings.
This is the data the load-scripts get from WU for your data and the forecasts and ccn:

<TITLE>Access Denied</TITLE>
<H1>Access Denied</H1>
You don't have permission to access "http&#58;&#47;&#47;api&#46;weather&#46;com&#47;v2&#47;pws&#47;observations&#47;current&#63;" on this server.<P>

Also I do not understand what you want to accomplish by adding URL’s inside the PWS_blocks.php

$script = 'fct_wu_block.php';
$blck_ttls[$script]     = $head_fct;
$blck_setup[$script]    = 'Forecast using WeatherUnderground data (needs API key)';
$blck_type[$script]     = 'f'; 
$blck_ppp [$script][]   = array ('show' => true,        'popup' => 'fct_wu_popup_daily.php',     'chartinfo' => 'popup',  'text' => $fct_details  );
$blck_ppp [$script][]   = array ('show' => true,        'popup' => '',      'chartinfo' => 'popup',  'text' => $fct_yr_no  );
$blck_ppp [$script][]   = array ('show' => true,        'popup' => ',2.18727&_inc=WyJPcnNheSIsIjg4IiwiMjk4OTIwNCIsIkZSIl0=&_auth=ARtQR1YoUXMCL1ptUCYKI1U9AjcKfFRzUS0LaAtuBXgFYAJvBGJcOVY7Ui8BLgo8Ai9XNlxrCTZUNQJiAHJSLgFgUD1WPVE6Am9aOFBkCiFVeQJ%2FCjRUc1EtC20LZQVkBXgCZwRhXDlWJ1I2ATYKIAI3VzBcfAkuVDYCYABpUjkBYFAxVj1RNAJkWjFQfwohVWMCMQoxVGRROgs4CzMFMAVmAjQEYVw8VjFSNwEvCj4CM1c2XGcJMFQ0AmIAZVIuAX1QTVZGUS4CLVp6UDUKeFV7AjcKa1Q4&_c=210dbf7def2558e0dbcdc2b84f5fe739',      'chartinfo' => 'popup',  'text' => $fct_infoclimat  );
if ($fct_default == $script) {
        $blck_ppp [$fct][]      = array ('show' => true,'popup' => 'fct_wu_popup_daily.php',     'chartinfo' => 'popup',  'text' => $fct_details  );
        $blck_ppp [$fct][]      = array ('show' => true,'popup' => '',      'chartinfo' => 'popup',  'text' => $fct_yr_no  );
        $blck_ppp [$fct][]      = array ('show' => true,'popup' => ',2.18727&_inc=WyJPcnNheSIsIjg4IiwiMjk4OTIwNCIsIkZSIl0=&_auth=ARtQR1YoUXMCL1ptUCYKI1U9AjcKfFRzUS0LaAtuBXgFYAJvBGJcOVY7Ui8BLgo8Ai9XNlxrCTZUNQJiAHJSLgFgUD1WPVE6Am9aOFBkCiFVeQJ%2FCjRUc1EtC20LZQVkBXgCZwRhXDlWJ1I2ATYKIAI3VzBcfAkuVDYCYABpUjkBYFAxVj1RNAJkWjFQfwohVWMCMQoxVGRROgs4CzMFMAVmAjQEYVw8VjFSNwEvCj4CM1c2XGcJMFQ0AmIAZVIuAX1QTVZGUS4CLVp6UDUKeFV7AjcKa1Q4&_c=210dbf7def2558e0dbcdc2b84f5fe739',      'chartinfo' => 'popup',  'text' => $fct_infoclimat  );

To add or modify the block popup’s you can use a file in _my_settings/ as described here


The Errors are caused by missing WU current and forecast data
As current data is used in almost all blocks the errors are repeated multiple times.

The distorted PWS_module_test.php is caused by the very long “names” (aka long URL’s) for the pop-ups.
I will change the script to cut the “names” short.

Having to scroll the browser window because the drop-downs are to wide :slightly_smiling_face: , that is something I did not expect to happen.


Attached a test version, it should shorten the description of popup’s (top right ) and filenames (middle row left ) (3.3 KB)

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I do think that WU has stopped working.
It went back to normal last night without intervention.

I added links in the blocks to open popup windows on the forecast block.

It is done and it works perfectly…
Thanks for your help!
:+1: :+1: :+1: