night time icon and current conditions text differ

I am using WD v10.37P-15. I am having problems with the icon display and current text condtions in WD. I find these occurences happen mostly at night, especially when there is precipitation. The nightime icon will display a snow icon, for example, and the current conditions text will read, “dry/overcast”. Also there is no display of the extra weather conditions:

$weatherreport =  'overcast -  light snow';	// current weather conditions from selected METAR
$downloadedmetar1sky = 'overcast_Weather: light snow_';//

Also, I have to uncheck “Your stations rain/wind/fog/ overrides the metar” to make the proper icon display. If left checked, the icon will display as clear. This happening in WDL as well.

I have done quite a bit of searching and reading of similar threads in this forum and believe my settings are as they should be. Can someone suggest
anything? Have I missed a setting somewhere?

That’s the only solution I’ve found for this problem. See my post from 2007.

Thanks, Bill: I do have “Your stations rain/wind/fog/ overrides the metar” unticked as usual. I do this every night to get the proper icon to display. I just wish I could get the weather conditions text to display. It’s snowing right now, but the conditions text continues to display “Dry, Overcast”.


I was having all kinds of issues trying to get the icon and text to agree lately. There was much discussion here. When I made the suggested changes it did not seem to help. Finally I closed and restarted WD and things worked again. I have not had a nighttime snow to test it yet though. We are looking for snow Wed night so I can see if my changes work then.

How is your weather station measuring snow? Or are you getting conditions from a metar?

Bill, I read that thread with much interest. Lots of good suggestions, but nothing helped, as you stated. I’ve closed and restarted WD several times, it does not make any difference, unfortunately.

Dan, I measure snow using a heated rain gauge. During the day, I use my solar sensor settings; at night, my local metar data.

I did a test and changed my default metar to one nearby with snow and both my icon and conditions correctly showed snow. Here is my setup.

Bill, I changed my settings to match yours. The text still displays “Dry/Overcast”, but before the ajax update it displayed “Overcast - light snow showers”-that is what I want the text to display. Here is my Weather Display Conditions Test page-

You can see what is being produced by the metar data, and then the clientraw.

I’m seeing light snow now on your icon and text as of early this morning. :slight_smile:

Yes, it looks like it, thanks Bill :slight_smile: Do you have those solar settings all the time or do you change them at night?

Glad to hear it’s working. :slight_smile: I’ve never changed the settings at night.