Nexrad 3

Folks, the above link is to a program called Nexrad 3. Its a GIS oriented program where you can define your own radar maps. Example being where I live here in Florida I am equal distance from 3 radar sites. Tampa, Melborne, and Jacksonville. I was able to make a map using all three of those radar sites. The maps are completley customizable. I made one map of my neighborhood that encompasses only 3 square miles. Currently I am beta testing a upgrade which I beleive is supposed to be released this month. The new version has many more products than the link above. Specifically storm attributes. All images are saved to your hard drive so you can make a loop as long as you want. The beta version also has a neat full screen feature. By full screen I mean north, south, east and west. It takes up the whole screen. Check out the link and see what I mean.

I’m not seeing any reference to Nexrad 3.
Is it the PCGRIDDS32 program?


The link has been redirected to something different, it worked fine when I looked yesterday.

The link was working yesterday. I emailed the creator of the program to find out whats going on. I know from time to time he has run into financial difficulties and had to shut the page down. As soon as I hear something I will let you know.

All of the programers software packages including Nexrad3 will be migrating to that new site, Hurricane Alley in about a week. He did say he could set up a special link to it in the meantime, but I told him that was his call. If he does set up a special link I will post it.

I wanted to try this but can’t find it?

Anybody know where to get this software?

try this link.

Which exe do I need?

Unfortunately I don’t think PCGRIDDS32 is the nexrad program. I’m pretty sure it was called nexrad3 when I saw it on the original site (darn, didn’t want to download at work, and when I got home it was gone). PCGRIDDS32 seems to be a forecast model program, I found this description “PCGRIDDS32 will display & perform numerous mathmatical manipulations to the NWS model data output by NCEP.”

You are correct nikoshepherd. I should have check out the file before I posted the link.

I tried to google search for nexrad3 and nexrad 3 and all I find is this page in the google cache :

I guess we’ll have to wait for Ocala to update us. :frowning:


I emailed the programmer today 6-15 to find out whats going on with the link. He pretty good at getting back to me in a reasonable time so hopefully I will have an answer soon.

OK I finally heard back from him. He is sending the package of software to the new site either today, 6-16 or tomorrow. Hopefully the webmaster at the new site will post them by Wednesday. Just keep checking.