Newport Pagnell Weather

Hello Guys!

I have finally got around to joining this forum after dabbling with WD for a couple of years - so would like to say hello to all.
Since WD Live has appeared I have re-written my website which you can find at: I am still expanding it when I can.

Cheers and bye for now

Newport Pagnell, North Buckinghamshire

Nice to see another Newport on the WeatherDisplay map. Looks good.

weather display in the UK is getting rather popular :slight_smile:
thats good
there is a chance i could be visiting the uk next year

I hope some of us get to meet you. We’ll have to arrange a party for you! Just don’t come at the end of May coz I won’t be around.

it looks to be around march
when the ukweathershop is having a new opening…,they have invited me over
it will be good to meet you lot in the UK (like you chris , and Julian, and others) :slight_smile:

That’ll be great - I’ll keep the diary clear!


Someone will have to tell me where Eastbourne is. It sounds like deep deep deep South, so I’d probably need a passport, a series of innoculations and a translator to go there!

One thing’s for sure, you’ll probably have to navigate a roundabout in Newport Pagnell to get there :lol:

have had a little more confirmation…
more likely early april now, i.e after easter
(for starters we have the big school giant easter PTA auction fundraiser here, in easter, every year (and i am the president of the PTA)

Most of the UK weather sites I have seen have been running Weather Display - apart from the odd one or two. I find it fascinating that I still keep finding bits in the software to play with and there are some areas I haven’t even looked at yet :lol:

As for roundabouts…point taken…that’s the price to pay for being part of Milton Keynes I guess.


But you haven’t got the Magic Roundabout! for those from outside the UK who have never heard of it.

Once seen, never forgotten 8O

just like the south in the US

In the middle you end up effectively driving on the right hand side of the road, so you would feel partly at home! Have things changed much in America…I see to recall a distinct national dislike of roundabouts (rotaries?) when I was last over there.

Well, around here they are still in love with bloody stop signs, not only the drivers, but also the powers that be for their revenue generating potential (at least $ 300 for a “California stop”). The last one they tried locally there were howls of protest :roll: and it was bulldozed.