New Web Site

I have had my website up and running for a few months now, so thought it time to promote it. Please visit and let me know what you think. It is being updated vic dial up at the moment, but just ordered broadband so will soon be updating more frequently.

I am currently having problems with the software crashing, so data may not be quite upto date.


Very nice, well thought out.

with the web cam text, enable the background shape, then set its position behind the text, and sets its wifth, height to suit
then set the text to transparent, and then set the text colour to white , and choose tahoma for font, which is better

that will looks better for the web cam…try that :wink:

It looks good. Using a fixed left menu is a useful way to help people navigate round the site.

Just two (minor) comments.

  1. I think you’re re-sizing the gizmo.gif file in the menu panel. It’s distorted here and I can’t read it easily.

  2. The two maps on the home page would benefit from being a little bigger. They’re just a bit small to read the text on them.