I would like to setup a web page with a web cam and WD. I have looked at some web hosting sites and need some information about WD. Can someone tell me what size disk space, how many GB of tranfer per month I would need, and what type of server (Windows or Unix) and any other info I would need to get started. Also when you update web page about how much info is sent (MB)? Free Hosting? or Pay?
It all depends on what you have setup. The amount of data sent per upload is dependent on what you have set to upload. The simple “table” webpage is on about 6 kb, no big at all. The more graphics, graphs, images, etc… you have uploading the more bandwidth you will need. Also your update frequency will be important in finding total bandwidth usage. I am doing about .5mb per upload, it is a medium size site. Even the free sites give give about 1 GB, so unless you have LOTS of vistors, you will be nowhere close. So even if your site is 1 mb and upload every 5 min, that would only be 720 mb a day on your end. The type of server running would only matter if you have the server at your location and running WD on the server itself. I would try some of the free sites; http://www.tripod.lycos.com/, http://free.hostdepartment.com/, etc… and see if it is worth paying for a server.
I am sure many others can provide their two cents.
However, I have no experience with free hosting sites. I host with http://www.cclhosting.com with a plan that gives me 4GB bandwidth and 100MB storage for about $5 a month. I can run PHP forums and a host of other pre installed scripts and modules.
My pages (see WWW button below) are updated every 15 minutes 24/7 with one and sometimes 2 webcam images. I also always have one or two test pages I upload every half hour from my WD test PC as I am still exploring all the cabilities of WD after 9 months.
I seldom go over 1GB per month total bandwidth and after 9 months have only used about 18MB of storage including daily graphs/logs.
I must be getting old. I swear that when I clicked on your www link earlier, it led me to a page that stated “Ni! Error 404! Ni!” which I assumed was a reference to the Seti team “The Knights Who Say Ni!”
I belong to team Starfire at BroadBandReports which is a rival Seti team. It was just meant to be a good natured jab.
This is just funny. I just noticed that the link to my site on my profile was wrong after your post, and corrected it. The “webserver that says Ni” is the page that comes up when a page, that doesn’t exist is requested. I am not part of that seti team, but the funny thing I do use seti. I don’t know what are the chances that would cause that all to work out like that, but it must be low.
My pages (see WWW button below) are updated every 15 minutes 24/7
[b]with one and sometimes 2 webcam images[/b].
What are you using for your “Cold and Boring” Webcam?
I was thinking of getting an inexpensive WebCam but feared
that they might focus at only 3 feet or so.
I had one of those logitech cams, they arn’t too bad, i had it pointing out of the window… not exactly broadcast quality by any means, but good enough!
I’ve been looking at a USB Logitech QuickCam Messenger,
not that I care about the microphone it has. It currently
has a rebate that makes it $40, which isn’t bad.
My concern was if I bought it and it couldn’t handle a
focus of infinity, which would be like you did, pointing it out
a window.
Actually my cam is an ancient (1986 vintage) Sony camcorder that is connected to the PC using a Snappy interface. I use Ken’s Ksnap software to capture the pics at 20 minute intervals.
I don’t have much experience with other web cams except the X10 series that I sometimes use for a sky cam. It is very limited in resolution using CMOS sensors instead of CCD’s used in camcorders and higher end webcams.
I’d take a look at what other members have by viewing their webpages via the member list button at the top of the forum.
Coventry is a very nice area as I spent some time at Sub Base New London many years ago and passed through there many times on weekend liberty.