New User, New Member, New Page, New Questions ;)

Hey all…

I’ve installed WD10.14 and am hopeful that this will be the software I end up purchasing but there are a couple of things nagging that I really could use resolved. Fortunately, these items appear to be working correctly on other sites so it must be something wrong with my setup…I just can’t seem to figure out what :confused:

The Stats:

Weather Station:
Davis Vantage Pro Plus w/ extras

Operating System:

My weather page:

WeatherDisplay’s Default Web Page:


    My rain detail image is not showing Time of last rain and the “in” for inches is cut to make it look like “ir” instead.
    How to fix? I searched the forums but I’m not running this on my XP box and nothing else seemed to apply…

  2. Possible Bug Alert - No biggie…just thought you’d like to know…
    If I try to update the icons using Input Daily Weather (the only way I can find to do it successfully) and I use the animated icon set located at WD blows up consistently. A) after each icon is added and B) If I do get them all added it just continues to blow up every few seconds… which explains why I’m not using those icons lol.

  3. forecast5day.gif
    I cannot get the five day forecast to work at all. We ended up creating a lil php file to parse the two day forecast from NOAA which is what’s on my page but my five day forecast icon is always blank.
    I think this is the file I need and I was able to set it to download and upload to the site just fine…
    How do I get that data to show nicely on the page? (which is what I really want…I’d rather not even use the image if I don’t have to)
    (the background is white) but as you can see…I’m on empty in that area :frowning:

  4. noname.gif
    Mine is just a missing image… do I need it? What is it?

  5. – Specifically
    It didn’t register the rain we had yesterday (day 31) and it didn’t update to reflect a new month today. Am I broken?

ANY and all help for all or just a part of the above would be greatly appreciated. I’ve got a couple of weeks left on the trial and I’m really trying to get things like this sorted out.

Note: I find this software very confusing and difficult to navigate so as much detail as possible please if you’re pointing me somewhere within it :slight_smile:

Thanks again!



the icon selection is a problem with some peoples video card/drivers…i.e its the preview pane when you go to select to use a new icon…i.e for the first 2 I changed it, so no preview pane, so they will work ok, yes?
so, i will switch them all over to no preview pane…and then you can select to use /replace the icons (in a new version of wd)

the rain detail screen…thats a bit weird, and might eb to do with the video card again…
i have made some changes that might help…for the next version

5 day forecast:
if you can email me your settings, i will have a look
wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt
wdisplayftp.reg, after going action, back up registry now, and then that file will be in the folder databackup

that comes from that fact you have not set a station file name, in the web files/web page setup (see under control panel), left hand most tab…

you can edit directly the datahtm0.txt and datahtm2.txt and datahtm3.txt files to change/remove the links to images not showing
or restart WD, or even going to the webfiles/web page/real time ftp setup screen and clicking on update html, might reset things
anyway, i will check on your settings if you email me your settings

as for the last one, looks like a change in month glitch

also, please try the latest version of wd, just as it does fix a few things too

the icon selection is a problem with some peoples video card/drivers...i.e its the preview pane when you go to select to use a new icon....i.e for the first 2 I changed it, so no preview pane, so they will work ok, yes? so, i will switch them all over to no preview pane....and then you can select to use /replace the icons (in a new version of wd)

I’m not sure what you mean by the preview pane etc … but I’ll await the new version :slight_smile: You are correct that I can update the first image fine and it doesn’t start having problems until the second image…

the rain detail screen...thats a bit weird, and might eb to do with the video card again... i have made some changes that might help....for the next version

For informational purposes… I have dual monitors running on this system – Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead – I was not able to give ambient so much as a test run because it simply cannot handle duel head setups at all. WeatherDisplay is handling it just fine outside of these glitches so hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with that :slight_smile:

5 day forecast: if you can email me your settings, i will have a look i.e wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt and wdisplayftp.reg, after going action, back up registry now, and then that file will be in the folder databackup

Consider these files sent :slight_smile: Thank you!

noname that comes from that fact you have not set a station file name, in the web files/web page setup (see under control panel), left hand most tab...

I believe I do have that setup… I changed nothing and this is a snapshot of the area I believe you are talking about. Am I mistaken? View:

you can edit directly the datahtm0.txt and datahtm2.txt and datahtm3.txt files to change/remove the links to images not showing or restart WD, or even going to the webfiles/web page/real time ftp setup screen and clicking on update html, might reset things anyway, i will check on your settings if you email me your settings

I tried the update HTML button but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything. “picolioweather.html” used to upload with every FTP connection. Somewhere along the way I must have turned it off or something and now the page is sort of dead because I can’t seem to get it going again.

as for the last one, looks like a change in month glitch

Ok :slight_smile:

also, please try the latest version of wd, just as it does fix a few things too

I just upgraded… thx

Hopefully reviewing the files I’ve emailed to you will shed some light on things. I’m looking forward to getting these final nags out of the way and just working on the web page data :slight_smile:

For archival purposes…

Brian told me to untick the let me manage the datahtm0.txt and the datahtm2.txt options in setup/control panel/webfiles/webpge/realtime ftp setup… I did.

He also had me update which txt file I was using for the 5 day forecast and in setup, control panel, ftp/internet setup, ftp/metar download I had the forecast5day image file selected for the “select a 5 day forecast file to use for image” rather than the txt file. DOH! I misunderstood what it was requesting there.

Additionally we fixed the number in my sun/moon lat/long settings.

End result so far…

I have a working 5 day forecast img :smiley:

It’s showing default images for some of the days rather than my chosen images but progress has certainly been made in a big way :smiley:

Is there any way to have the fiveday forecast image show vertically rather than horizontally? 933px is terribly wide for most viewer resolutions…

Thanks so much for the assistance Brian…


1) My rain detail image is not showing Time of last rain and the "in" for inches is cut to make it look like "ir" instead. How to fix? I searched the forums but I'm not running this on my XP box and nothing else seemed to apply...

FIXED! Thanks to the upgrade :slight_smile:

#2 not really tested yet…but I do believe it is fixed

3) forecast5day.gif I cannot get the five day forecast to work at all. We ended up creating a lil php file to parse the two day forecast from NOAA which is what's on my page but my five day forecast icon is always blank. I think this is the file I need and I was able to set it to download and upload to the site just fine... How do I get that data to show nicely on the page? (which is what I really want..I'd rather not even use the image if I don't have to) (the background is white) but as you can see...I'm on empty in that area Sad

FIXED! Thanks to the upgrade :slight_smile:

But… Still showing default images rather than chosen set…

#4 – noname.gif still MIA for me…

#5 – waiting for rain to see if it triggers anything…

Thus concludes the update of a user who registered after being inspired by software that’s actually being supported :slight_smile:

note that i have not had a chance yet to improve the 5 day forecast to cater for when NOAA adds in and puts together lots of days, LOL
but i will soon…
re noname.gif
that is now redundant, as you now have a station name entered in the webfiles/webpage setup
so either change the nomame part of the file name to that staiton name (picio some a rather :wink: ) or untick let me manage datahtm0.txt and let me manage datahm2.txt, and then restart wd