New to personal weather stations

I recently got a Peet Bros weather station and I got my data going into the APRS/CWOP network. I am also using weather display and I have that working for the most part while I work my way thru some minor issues.

I also own a domain with a stagnant website. I thought about using that domain and my website to feed my website to. So as new person what are my options? I’ve seen/read about PWS_dashboard but that currently isn’t available until a paid version is released. I do like the looks of PWS_dashboard, and I’d be willing to wait.

WD can generate a web site for you. It won’t have the bells and whistles of PWS Dashboard but it’s a start.

Alternatively, you upload the clientraw files and then use something like FreshWDL - GitHub - Yerren/FreshWDL: FreshWDL is a pure JavaScript alternative to WDL. or the Saratoga template - - Website Templates - Weather-Display/AJAX/PHP

You can also upload directly from WD into MeteoTemplate - Meteotemplate - free weather website template

AFAIK there will be no more versions of PWS_dashboard, see

You can see my FreshWDLive working here.

I like a lot of guys here have been using weather display with the Saratoga templates for years. If you are new to modifying code at all it will seem overwhelming in the beginning but once you get into it the Saratoga templates are fantastic and will just run and run. Been running on the combination for over 10 years with outstanding support from both.

My site can be seen at

Good luck with whatever you choose!!!

PWS_dashboard available again! The post in the link I gave you (above) has been updated. . .