New install on Linux Mint - nil data from Davis Vantage Pro2

After years of successfully running a Davis Vantage Pro2 with Win10, I have now installed and registered WDisplay on Linux Mint.

Problem is that no data is being received on the PC from the console.

I have determined that the USB/Serial interface is plugged into ‘USB0’, so I guess the ‘Comport Number’ setting of ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’ is correct.

I have clicked on ‘Open’ and ‘Set’ but no data is flowing.

There is no ‘Action’ item similar to the ‘download data from Davis’ that is present in the Windows version of WDisplay.

Does anyone have some clues on getting the Davis console to talk to the Linux version on WDisplay please?

Can you post your configuration file for WDisplay, deleting out any passwords or identifiers? That might help us see how to help.

Wondering if the baud rate matches? Not an expert on USB versus serial but it’s worth checking that the Davis console baud rate is the same as the comm port.

Good thought.
Being totally new to Linux I’ll first have to find out how to modify the port speed on the PC if required.
When I checked the port number I think it showed 115k or so (from memory).

Highest rate from VP2 is 19k2 I think.
I’m still running the PC on Win10 at the moment and the WDisplay ‘Control Panel’ does not show on the screen, so I can’t check the VP2 setting.

Will do, when I can go back to Mint on the dual SSD boot for more testing.

My BlueIris cameras don’t show up of course when I’m in Mint, so limited testing time allowed.
That’s one drawback of the ‘Win transition process’ :slight_smile:

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Today I ‘shutdown’ Win10 on my PC to run solely on LM.

I adjusted ttyS0 to 9600 and WD is now reading data Ok.

Next job is to get the Website uploading to work as before :slight_smile: