New computer transfer of data [Resolved]

I am replacing a Windows 7 Home premium computer with a new Windows 11 system. I would like to know how this transfer worked for you and how it was accomplished?

Weather Display ver.10.37s 143 current configuration.

Thanks in advance,
Bill Percy

Try this.

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Thank you Snowman,

I am awaiting the arrival of the new computer. I will go through the steps you provided and will let you know hoe it works out.


Can you tell me if there should be any problem going from Windows 7 Home Premium to Windows 11 Home?


For WD I don’t think so, Brian’s compiler covers both AFAIK.

But it will be a culture shock for you :grinning:

Thanks for that info.


I use a program called PC Mover it will copy everything from old computer to new one. I have moved four computer no problems. Recommended buy Microsoft. Cost about $40.00 usd. will worth then money. I used the one with the cable connected to wan port RS45.

If they are on the same LAN, you can just copy. Or use a USB memory stick.

Thanks for the advice. I am wondering if I should update to windows 10 before I try anything. Has anyone had any difficulties doing this? I am on Windows 7 home premium.


I think I updated to Win10 in 2017, and I can’t remember anything about it.

You’re over-thinking this, just do it: it’ll be fine.

I updated from Windows 7 to windows 11. Follow all the steps to transfer and everything should be ok. I think I lost my FTP settings, but that was my fault if I remember correctly. Used an old version of the registry backup.

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Thanks for this information.


Well, I finally was able to make the transfer. Things have worked out and I am able to see the data except for one day. I’ll work that out. Thank you all for your help and advice.
