my wish list........maybe a few bugs

Davis VP/Solar graph, please add the time
In logfiles for vantagelogcsv, the coloums don’t match the title
Is it possible for the daily ET on main screen also on the VP/Solar graph.
I’ve mentioned this b4…

I think the solar sensor setup has to calculate the rising and falling solar intensity for the morning and afternoon, otherwise on a clear day it would says:
Cloudy from midnight to 8am
Partly cloudy from 8am to 10am
Sunny ( hich is correct ) from 10am to 2pm
Partly cloudy from 2pm to 4pm
Cloudy from 4pm to midnight

and i can’t get it to say NIGHTTIME at night

[color=red]ET in extrarealtimegraph2 is never smooth goes to zero for an hour then back to normal[/color]
ALL TIME RECORDS, how about for the current year and the week

[color=red]Could you tell me what is

my x and y’s are incorrect[/color]

a second animatedhttp.gif please

and finally…is it possibly to GRAP the webcam image compress it every minute and at the end of the day save it as a avi. file
and good luck

P.S. Brian did you get a winter down there, we missed it here…


OK, just done some work (uploading a new verison now, i will post again when a new 9.86b is ready)

Davis VP/Solar graph, please add the time
**Done that now

In logfiles for vantagelogcsv, the coloums don’t match the title …
**i have made some changes…
Is it possible for the daily ET on main screen also on the VP/Solar graph.
** there is now an option to do that in the solar setup
I’ve mentioned this b4…

I think the solar sensor setup has to calculate the rising and falling solar intensity for the morning and afternoon, otherwise on a clear day it would says:
Cloudy from midnight to 8am
Partly cloudy from 8am to 10am
Sunny ( hich is correct ) from 10am to 2pm
Partly cloudy from 2pm to 4pm
Cloudy from 4pm to midnight

and i can’t get it to say NIGHTTIME at night
*** the above I have not tackled yeet

ET in extrarealtimegraph2 is never smooth goes to zero for an hour then back to normal

**** have not looked at this et…yet

ALL TIME RECORDS, how about for the current year and the week
****ohh, will take some work,too late at night too tackle that

Could you tell me what is

my x and y’s are incorrect
***, ok, its a bug,its plotting soil temperature or similar
I have fixed it now to plot solar (from then on)

a second animatedhttp.gif please
***ok, i have added that (you will need to select the file to animate in the view downloaded images)…should work in theroy…i have not tested…(animatedhttp2.gif)

and finally…is it possibly to GRAP the webcam image compress it every minute and at the end of the day save it as a avi. file
**there is the animatedwebcamimageday.gif (not sure of the naming, something like that)
but I will look into a avi…when i get more time
and good luck

P.S. Brian did you get a winter down there, we missed it here…

a new 9.86b ready
not much winter weather here
more frosts than normal, but little in the way of winter stormy weather yet…been very boring

thanks for the speedy reply,

Davis VP/Solar graph, please add the time
**Done that now
### pls look at
no time label

In logfiles for vantagelogcsv, the coloums don’t match the title …
**i have made some changes…
### should i erase the logfile ?

Is it possible for the daily ET on main screen also on the VP/Solar graph.
** there is now an option to do that in the solar setup
I’ve mentioned this b4…
### hmmm, i don’t think this is working

I think the solar sensor setup has to calculate the rising and falling solar intensity for the morning and afternoon, otherwise on a clear day it would says:
Cloudy from midnight to 8am
Partly cloudy from 8am to 10am
Sunny ( hich is correct ) from 10am to 2pm
Partly cloudy from 2pm to 4pm
Cloudy from 4pm to midnight

and i can’t get it to say NIGHTTIME at night
*** the above I have not tackled yeet

ET in extrarealtimegraph2 is never smooth goes to zero for an hour then back to normal

**** have not looked at this et…yet

ALL TIME RECORDS, how about for the current year and the week
****ohh, will take some work,too late at night too tackle that

Could you tell me what is

my x and y’s are incorrect
***, ok, its a bug,its plotting soil temperature or similar
I have fixed it now to plot solar (from then on)

### fixed

a second animatedhttp.gif please
***ok, i have added that (you will need to select the file to animate in the view downloaded images)…should work in theroy…i have not tested…(animatedhttp2.gif)

### a few dramas here, but i think i can fix it

and finally…is it possibly to GRAP the webcam image compress it every minute and at the end of the day save it as a avi. file
**there is the animatedwebcamimageday.gif (not sure of the naming, something like that)
but I will look into a avi…when i get more time

Thanks a million

I forgot something, i don’t think the “ignore first rain of day” works.
My vantage Pro Plus rain gauge tips once due to heavy dew this morning, and displayed as rainfall.

Good luck 8)


Another wierdy: It shows incredibly bogus numbers for the daily sunshine. For example, it shows 157 hours of sunshine today!

The new calculated hourly Solar feature does not appear to be working in 9.87c. The level of solar energy that WD calculates for 100 percent does not change throughout the day.

Please make one version work like you want and then relax for several months! This having to download version after version to get one thing to work and introducing three or more other bugs is getting to be very distressing to me!


Clam Bagger,

Please be aware, Brian is a lone programmer and WD is a very comprehensive program which has many configurations. Therefore, the only way to establish if anything part of the program is ‘buggy’ is to release the modification as a new version as wait for a response. In fact, Brian actually uploads many updates under the same revision number to reduce the amount of perceived updates.

Also, many of the changes Brian makes to WD are at the request of users via this forum as clearly shown in the start of this thread.


If you are satisfied with seven ,or so, revisions in the last two months, So be it! I’m still tired of having to tell my viewers that there is a new, new, new, etc version! Each one introducing new “bugs” that weren’t there previously! We can do without “Bells and Whistles” for a while until the bugs are gone! My newest ver.9.87c still won’t capture the correct rain for yesterday when it resets, nor will it shut down my modem when requested after an “ftp”

  I'm really sorry that Brian is all alone!  All the more reason to have him relax awhile after getting it straight!


Could you please add lines for 5 degrees on windtempraintrend3d.gif, or have 0, 10, 20, 30 as major, and each one degree as minor.

in vprealtimegraph.gif please add soil temperature.

Cheers and good luck


i was not aware this thread was going on
I really do appreciate everyone helping me out
its nearly impossible for me to test every combination, and so the best way to find/fix and or test bugs (and yes sometimes I introduce a bug, but thats the downside of progress (or a bug where its a setting that starts to work)) is to put it out into the field
99% of the time I get away with it!

clambagger, i have been working on the daily reset issue (never been a problem for me though)
is the latest version ok?

first rain of the day…humm, thats been a tuffy

ah, ok, the option to plot wd’s own ET should work now, verison 9.88d, uploading no
(i only added that to the data from the data logger

The yesterday’s rain is working for me now! It may be because I was rebooting my PC too close to the “Reset” time. I now have it set for 12:15am.
That also, I think, caused a WD crash when the FTP upload took too long and overlapped the reboot.
Also, I’ve found that limiting my uploads to every hour has seemed to help “Wunder” to be most accurate when totaling the daily rain!


i will help you, Brian
What do you need to know?


Davis VP/Solar graph, please add the time FIXED
In logfiles for vantagelogcsv, the coloums don’t match the title NOT FIXED
Is it possible for the daily ET on main screen also on the VP/Solar graph.

I think the solar sensor setup has to calculate the rising and falling solar intensity for the morning and afternoon, otherwise on a clear day it would says:
Cloudy from midnight to 8am
Partly cloudy from 8am to 10am
Sunny ( hich is correct ) from 10am to 2pm
Partly cloudy from 2pm to 4pm
Cloudy from 4pm to midnight FIXED

and i can’t get it to say NIGHTTIME at night NOT FIXED
ET in extrarealtimegraph2 is never smooth goes to zero for an hour then back to normal [color=red][b]NOT FIXED,[/b][/color]

ALL TIME RECORDS, how about for the current year and the week ?

Could you tell me what is
my x and y’s are incorrect FIXED

and finally…is it possibly to GRAP the webcam image compress it every minute and at the end of the day save it as a avi. file ?

Could you please add lines for 5 degrees on windtempraintrend3d.gif, or have 0, 10, 20, 30 as major, and each one degree as minor. ?

in vprealtimegraph.gif please add soil temperature. ?

Good Luck and thanks



