Most But Not All Graphs Working


Most of my graphs seem to be working here
The first two on the top row dont seem to be working correctly.

Here is my wxgraphs test page

Any help would be appreciated and Thank You, Andy

They look OK to me. Have you tried clearing your browser cache?

Thanks I think I have it sorted.

I’ve just noticed that hovernig over the first two gauges doesn’t display the pop-up graph like the other gauges do, so that’s probably what you meant by not working properly.

I note in the Javascript console that I get the following errors:

The missing PHP files probably belong to the first two gauges.

The first gauge looks OK now, but the pop-up is still missing for the second gauge fo rme.

The second gauge top row should display temp_dew_hum_24hr.php graph and while it works on the test page it does not show on the gauge page. Is this an IIS server? Try renaming the graph to use + sign.


Looks OK now. . . Note that you can adjust the aspect ratio of the graphs as described around line 251 of gauges.js (end of case 1, Weather Display graphs). They should be nearly square.

Thank You everyone. Enjoy your day.