More wind that this year's election promises

Had an interesting thing happen. Ok, a lot of interesting things happen . I guess its because of my democrat affiliation, could only be that one.

Anyway, today we had a bunch of rain dump here. Enough that the rain gutters couldn’t haul it away fast enough, but about .6 inch in 15 minutes. I think Noah was ready with the boat .

So, about 10:30pm today, I look at the console, both of them, and see that we had a wind blast of 157 mph. This house must have been built by one of the 3 piggies. Well, I knew some of the local whimpy kids were wandering about tonight so I figured one might have trashed the anemometer . Armed with the flashlight from Hell I went out and not a breath of wind , nothing to show the end of all days.

So I figure that when I spliced the cable for the anemoneter to reduce the 40 foot length into a number I could handle, I must have some moisture on the connection. So Igrabbed the splice and gave it some shakes and see that water did come out of the connector.

So tomorrow, after I get the wife’s car fixed ( deader than it could be. She claim she had her lights off, but I don’t think she turned off the dome lights, It would be easier to get the CIA and the GOVT. to admit the blew the Iraq war info, thatn to get her to admit to this, again), I will be out in the muck and heat. Supposed to be 90+ temperature .

I wish I could play this thing of her trying to convince the dog to behave in the back of the house(the forbidden zone) . Hearing her talk to the mutt is worth more.

But I figure that with all the tinkering we do with our computer, equipment, and the loads of buttons, boxes, etc, that Brian makes available, it is real easy for things to go wrong.

But back to the wind. GWB is on the TV making campaign promises and damage control, maybe it was 157 mph. (I am going to be smoking a turd in hell for that one )

Have you not see the news about the latest weather phenomenon caused by global warming. It’s the micro-tornado. It’s just like normal tornado, but only 6 inches (15 cm for everyone else) in diameter. Wind speeds of up to 160 mph have been detected in the vortex. They’re big enough to pick up a whole mouse and deposit it 10 feet away.

I believe they’re fairly common in Iowa.

naw, Found out a short in the connection. Back to the drawing board.

Have you not see the news about the latest weather phenomenon caused by global warming. It's the micro-tornado. It's just like normal tornado, but only 6 inches (15 cm for everyone else) in diameter. Wind speeds of up to 160 mph have been detected in the vortex. They're big enough to pick up a whole mouse and deposit it 10 feet away.
wow, sounds like the wind really blows up by Blackpool :P
wow, sounds like the wind really blows up by Blackpool

Micro-tornados don’t occur very often in Blackpool, but we do get micro-hurricanes. They’re from the same meteorological family, i.e. very strong winds along a 6 inch long storm front :hathat4:

…but can you light them?

...but can you light them?

I guess you could using a microlite, but you’d have to be careful you didn’t get blown out of the sky.

watch out guys, :lol: he probably will try to sell us the tower of London again. :?

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