Moon block not showing moon.png

Hi one more question…

I have tried to get my moon block to show the photo realistic moon img with no success…
Think I have the moon_c_block configured correctly with the use_clear_moon = true line but it is still showing the older moon block display.

I’m sure it is something simple but can’t figure it out even thoughI have searched the forum.


Default the dials for temp, sun, moon a.s.o. are “more graphical”
The more “minimalistic dials” are set either in

  1. easyweathersetup → tab Other → Question: Show minimalistic dials for temp/baro a.s.o.
  2. or for testing by adding ?KISS (for Keep It Simple St*pid) in the URL

The OP is using the setting so the result is a minimalistic ring for sun and moon blocks.

As some users did not like the moon photo, an override for the default setting “photo of lighted moon” is in line 5 in the block code.

There is no setting to override the " minimalistic dials" to not be used.

Set line 69 to comment by adding an # at the first position. It should look like

#if ($my_KISS == true) { $use_clear_moon = false;}

To get rid of the full coloured circle in the temp block whick IMHO does not look minimalistic enough go to PWS_Dashboard 2012_lts updates
→ 2024-05-09 Free download:


Thank you, detailed as always. Another perhaps silly question - is it possible to use the minimalistic dials in conjunction with the graphical moon. I find the sun dial etc too busy in the non minimalistic version.

Sorry, I was not clear and concise enough.

Yes that is possible.

You only need to change line 69 in moon_c_block.php to comment
→ by adding a # on the first position. It should look like

#if ($my_KISS == true) { $use_clear_moon = false;}

Then easyweathersetup
→ tab Other
→ Question: Show minimalistic dials for temp/baro a.s.o.
→ select “Yes, we do”

1 Like

Thank you, I have done that and now have the moon image but with the minimalistic yellow ring for the phase and not the shadow which I want to achieve. Is it possible to have the moon with shadow and keeping the other dials minimalistic?

Thanks for the help

Please test this adapted version

  1. make a backup of the current script
  2. unzip
  3. replace with the unzipped version

Zip removed better version 2 post lower

Thank you. I have replaced the script and set minimalistic dials on in easysetup… Moon is as desired with no ring, sun is minimalistic but wind and pressure are the busy style.

So strange behaviour…on refresh it loads the busy dial for both wind and pressure, after a time wind switches to minimalistic by itself

Nice catch :grinning: , please test this version (6.1 KB)

Works perfectly thanks for you time and effort :smile: Is there a link I can donate to you at all?

:smiley: Check