Monthly/Daily reports

My november2003.htm file is being updated but is not uploading each day. What did I turn off? :?:

You have to mke sure the “upload to internet” toggle is on. This toggle is located at the buttom of the “Monthly Exetremes” menu.

under setup, ftp/internet setup, web upload times
there are 2 things there:
do daiilu uploads of the averages/extremes
and you also set the time to upload those files too…

check there…
good to see some very long term wd users still using wd!

there are 2 things there: do daiilu uploads of the averages/extremes and you also set the time to upload those files too...
Yep, both are set. Never had a problem. Just noticed it had not been sent up since Nov. 6. Thought I must have inadvertently turned something off.

I’m using 9.92e. Will try an upgrade and see if it clears.

good to see some very long term wd users still using wd!

Hey when you’re using the best, why switch? :stuck_out_tongue:

You have to mke sure the "upload to internet" toggle is on. This toggle is located at the buttom of the "Monthly Exetremes" menu.

Billybob, I’m not seeing a “monthly extremes” menu.

i think billbob is refereing to:
view, averages/extreme, then scroll down, and the the options there to upload noaa reports or upload the dailyreport.htm (which is a different system to the averages/extreme report

OK Brian, think you are right about Billybob’s suggestion–I don’t upload that.

At any rate, I downloaded the latest version, then unchecked & rechecked the "do daily uploads . . " and “upload time stamped graphs” boxes. It didn’t unckeck right away–kind of hung until I tried it again. Perhaps that was the problem. We’ll see tomorrow morning.

Thanks for the again amazingly quick response.

Nope, still not going up.

Brian, which site is the upload supposed to go to (if you upload to multiple sites)? I’m hosting locally and remotely. My local site ( is a separate box (Cobalt Qube) and that’s fine, since the box is mapped as a network drive and my WD web files are set to store there.

It’s my remote hosting site ( that’s not getting the daily update. It is getting the 10 min updates just fine. I also upload a gizmo.gif file every 20 minutes to a third site, and that seems to be fine.

it should show that it wants to upload it as a agenda item, under viewm ftp error log, at the time you have set as the upload time, under setup, setup ftp/internet, web upload times

No, it’s supposed to go up at 00:06 and the first upload was at 00:15. I’m moving the daily upload time to 00:15. The file is apparently supposed to be created at 00:05 and suspect the computer is running sluggishly, so it isn’t created fast enough to be ready for an upload in one minute (but I wonder why the FTP log isn’t showing an error).

We’ll see tomorrow morning if the file went up.

OK, have it working now . . .

After doing some reconfiguring, the file is going up at 15 min after midnight. Only issue is that it’s going up as December.htm, not overwriting the file december.htm. My web host is case sensitive so I make it a habit of keeping all files lower case.

I have adjusted my links to these files. Is there a way to control the naming of these monthly almanac files in WD?