I already have 0.25mm and now i want to go to 0.1mm please
I am ready to go out the door to buy the funnel/bowl but i am
not sure what diameter i need…
Also what offset would i need t0 add for this size please?
Any advice please?
Derek has kindly made a calculator in MS Excel and can be found in this post further in this thread
Thank you Derek
This kind of thing come up often enough, wouldn’t it be nice if someone wrote a little online calculator? It would take someone better with the math than I am.
I even tried doing a search for my other posts, can i hell as find it… #-o
Although that didn’t actually give me the answer as i settled for the .25 in the end
So you need a funnel of 15.81 cm radius. Or 31.62 cm diameter.
Edit: just a note on this. Take into account that you are letting so much more water inside, so the tipping mechanism can be easily overflown. The accuracy you’re looking for may become a big error.
Just my personal opinion but I think that’s an unreasonable decrease in tip size. I wouldn’t be trying to push that amount of water through that coffee mug sized OS rain gauge.
Sorry Breitling it was the tip size i was on about, its cause its in the rain offsets is why
i kept calling it the offset :oops:
The internal Diameter is now exactly 31cm thanks Breitling…
i cut the darn thing down too much, so much for the 0.1mm, it cant be too far off though
I just want to give it a try Niko, see how it goes, if its too much then i will just remove it
It looks a bit ott i mist admit cause each stage i have made it bigger i just kept the older
one attached so it had the area for the new one to fit into, to its a 3 stage tower now lol
I also had to use a biggish flower container, finding a funnel was proving difficult for the size
wanted, so i went for something much bigger and cut it down…I aint attached it to the bucket
yet so no pics at present sorry, to be honest i dont really want to show it off either :oops:
0.1 is going to give you quite a few problems , as soon as you get moderate rain it will overwhelm the sensor
and give you incorrect rain readings
the lowest I have managed to get 0.25 tipping so far this is give me good results I would have fought there was a standard for the minimum tipping of most rain gauges Davies 0.2
I will be interested to see how you go on with this please send me some data back when you have some heavy rain
I would also put out a traditional manual rain gauge so you can compare results
If it does cause any issues then i will just remove it again, its was stuck down with
hot glue so thinners will easily dissolve the glue, dont care about the addons if they
melt a little i can just sand them down
I will certainly let you know how it goes, theres a manual weather station in Lidl later this week
could be now actually, i cant remember and i will get that to compare with
I thought davis was 0.1mm? oh well lol but i did read on here somewhere that someone did modify
to 0.1mm and it was running ok, just cant remember where i read it now…
I dont think its gonna be quite 0.1mm anyway as i cut it down too much #-o
Thanks lol, you aint seen the image yet, attached below :oops:
A test pour never works out, i always end up doing too fast
But i will report the findings thats for sure…
Please dont laff, at least the top looks pretty :lol:
Looking at it i can see it getting blown off either Friday or Sunday :? :roll: