The frame will show on the Menu, too, but you can arrange the frames in any order. On my dashboard choose the PurpleAir Map popup to see what I mean. Note that I put a fixed lat/long in the URL because I didn’t want the map centred on mine.
If you want it popup sized you can add an entry to image_popup.php with a new $n title and then call that in PWS_blocks.php:
Thanks for the info. I am anxious to try it and see if I can make it work. The map that shows now is awful and doesn’t show AQ at all, just dust. I should mention that the folks at World Air Quality were very friendly and gave me permission to use their map on my site.
Not sure what I am doing wrong but I can’t make it work like I want. I’m confused… I edit the purpleair section but then switch to the davis block. Makes no sense to me…
# ================================================#
$show = false; // add the # on position 1 if you want to adapt and use it
$frame = 'airqualityDA';
$frm_ttls[$frame] = 'Air Quality AirLink'; // name in menu
$frm_src[$frame] = '';
$frm_hgth[$frame] = 800;
# ================================================#
# ================================================#
$show = true;
#$show = false; // add the # on position 1 if you want to adapt and use it
$frame = 'airqualityDA';
$frm_ttls[$frame] = 'Air Quality AirLink'; // name in menu
$frm_src[$frame] = '';
$frm_hgth[$frame] = 800;
# ================================================#
Add: I am done messing with it…it appears to be doing what I wanted so I am leaving it as is for now. The biggest issue I noticed is with Filezilla…I noticed that when I edit a file and re-ftp to my server using the “overwite” option the file size is not matching what I am ftp’ing. No doubt that was messing with me. Then I noticed BBEdit was not “coloring” the code, so I knew I had something wrong in the code. The key was my menu items in pws did not match what I was seeing in the code for the true/false sections. Once I figured that out the menu items showed correct. Once I had the item in the menu it was just simple editing code to make it look the way I wanted it. Watching the football game while editing the code was not a good decision on my part. But I really appreciate your help guiding me through this bitsostring.
If you are using Windows, why use FileZilla? Just copy the file across with File Explorer.
I have a stock file of current PWS Dashboard scripts on my machine. If I need to edit one, I use Notepad++. If the edit is experimental I save that in C:\Temp. If it doesn’t work I can restore the good script from stock and work on the edit. When that works I move it to stock.
Honestly I don’t know how/why it still shows up nor how to disable it. I remember they stopped their service back in March I think, and Wim made changes to how PWS handles forecast data, but I thought he just modified something that “used” the DarkSky routines to generate a new feed for the data. I do not see a way to disable Darksky in pws, the setup forces you to select something. I do have Pirate selected in the API tab of pws.
# this one is optionally used if use DARKSKY as forecast
if ( $fct_darksky_block_used == true) {
$frame = 'darkskyPP';
$frm_ttls[$frame] = 'DarkSky Forecast'; // name in menu
$frm_src[$frame] = ''.$lat.','.$lon.'/'.$ds_page_unit.'/'.substr($locale_wu,0,2);
$frm_frme[$frame] = false;
$frm_hgth[$frame] = 2000;}