Hey Brian, everyone and snowman. I said in a previous message on this thread that after the first attempt at a fix for the mist problem with version 10.19w, that the problem had become more complex. Kinda like turned into 2 different issues. That it was affecting people who use custom summary images like Keith differently than people like me who use just the basic setup. Excuse me for not using proper terminology. Both me and Greg were getting clear sky icons displayed on our basic summary image during rain while Keith was getting mist icons displayed on his custom image. I would guess it’s possible that there could be still some problems using custom images. Maybe Keith might see similar issues as you snowman or maybe Greg too cause he uses both, but I don’t think either are having rain right now. I had rain and mist all day today and 10.20d worked perfectly until the rain ended at my station and only overcast and mist was being diplayed by the metar. Then the mist icons showed again on my summary image and screenshot but didn’t show on my metar image. When it’s just ovecast and mist is being reported, mist icons should have shown on all the images. See saved image below.
Very complex indeed!
All of mine have calmed down now being that my metar is just reporting overcast now.
I am intrigued by this, and will keep an eye on what is happening, and will try to document what I can in case Brian needs more information.
windman, your overcast - mist, has a overcast night icon…
but which do you prefer…overast or mist?
the other icons show mist becuase there was no rain in the metar (which would override the mist)
Well I would think that when the metar is only reporting overcast and mist, day or night, that the mist icon would then be the dominating icon. When the metar is only reporting overcast and mist and my station is not reporting any rain condition that the mist icon should then show. Then when mist condition ends, then overcast icon should show. I think that might also partly solve what is being brought up in a new topic in the Questions forum.
Thanks, Billy
I second this…It would seem to me that this is how it should work…
Brian had some more rain and now it’s stopped raining again and showing
the same image icons. I thought maybe the metar information might help.
New York, Kennedy International Airport, NY, United States (KJFK) 40-38-19N 073-45-44W 9M
Dec 07, 2004 - 08:51 PM EST / 2004.12.08 0151 UTC
Wind: Calm:0
Visibility: 1/4 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast
Weather: mist
Precipitation last hour: A trace
Temperature: 50.0 F (10.0 C)
Dew Point: 48.0 F (8.9 C)
Relative Humidity: 92%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.72 in. Hg (1006 hPa)
ob: KJFK 080151Z 00000KT 1/4SM BR OVC003 10/09 A2972 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 2 RAE07 SLP063 P0000 T01000089
cycle: 2
thanks for posting the actual metar
uploading a fresh 10.20d
and you can now set new names for the first 6 metars in the list , for you windman
(scroll down on the metar/ftp download setup page to see that)
I have tested, works
one thing I noticed, the actual metar icon will not update to the conditions until you have it set for the metar to update the icons, in the summary image and icon setup
Wow! :o Thanks for adding new feature to rename the metars. I really appreciate all you do for me and everyone here. My mist condition ended before I could load this new version and am now showing fog condition with really cool animated icons on the main display. Really looking good. Will let you know if I have any more trouble. May have one more shot at rain tonight, after that not till Friday. Here’s a look at my new metar name with JFK added. Exactly what I was hoping for
Thanks again,
Brian, having some trouble again :(. Now conditions at metar changed to light rain and fog and my summary image and screenshot switched to clear sky icon. I checked over my summary image setup and everything set correctly. I turned off the new metar label feature to see if that would help and it doesn’t make a difference. A couple of times the fog icons made it over to the summary image and screenshot but as soon as I touched the conditions window on the main display to pop up the metar and summary windows it dissapears. I also just went back one version to before metar tag feature and same result so don’t think that is interfering. Now putting back in most recent version after I post this. Starting to rain here now.
New York, Kennedy International Airport, NY, United States (KJFK) 40-38-19N 073-45-44W 9M
Dec 07, 2004 - 11:51 PM EST / 2004.12.08 0451 UTC
Wind: Calm:0
Visibility: 1/8 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: obscured
Weather: light rain; fog
Precipitation last hour: A trace
Temperature: 53.1 F (11.7 C)
Dew Point: 52.0 F (11.1 C)
Relative Humidity: 96%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.68 in. Hg (1005 hPa)
ob: KJFK 080451Z 00000KT 1/8SM -RA FG VV001 12/11 A2968 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 1/4 RAB44 SLP049 P0000 T01170111 401220039
cycle: 5
Now I’m having a thunderstorm here! Cool! Crazy weather for December. Now things are happening too quick to keep track but fog icons eventually briefly showed and stayed, then my station reported rain and icons on summary and screenshot switched to rain. Hard to tell what’s up. May have to wait till next rain event to see. 2AM here and time for bed now.
using the metar posted, i have fog icon on each of the 3…
what it might be is the light rain…in the metar…
i.e if you have no rain, then your conditions override…and so wd sets a clear night.,…
it gets complicated
in fact , that is what happens
if i tick, your conditions override the metar, then you get a clear night icon…thats because you dont have rain, but the metar reproted rain (although fog is reported as well)
Hey Brain. Just want to thank you for taking the time to check over things again last night. Would have replied earlier but my 90 year old grandmother fell and broke her hip this morning and it’s been not too good of a day. Not a good outlook for her. Anyway, I am having a minor problem with WD, not related to the problem in this thread. I messed something up somehow, cause my trends gif isn’t showing data for last month. If it doesn’t staighten out soon, I will post about it in the questions forum. Thanks again for all the great work you do and will catch you and all again soon.
it mgiht be that wd can not find data for this time from this day last month
tomorrow it might…
Hey since you replied here, yeah I think I’m missing some data. A few days ago, I was experimenting with virus scanners and ran into problem. I had to do a system restore but guess I forgot to copy the WD files first #-o. My last week graph only shows days 5, 6 and 7.
Well I’m sure it will straighten out on it’s own. If it don’t, I’ll post to a new topic in questions like I should have done in the first place. Have a good one.
if the logfile has all the data, then try a convert log files to graphs (see under action)
Just a report back about the mist issue -
Running 10.20e now - the mist problem is gone!
Metar showing light rain, mist right now
All icons behaving themselves very nicely with light rain.
Thanks Brain
Hey Brian and everyone. I back to follow up on my most recent post about the mist issue. I would like to say first that the icons have never worked this good for me and am very happy with the progress that has been made. The mist icons are never showing now during light rain, mist condition which was the original problem, which is great news. I’m seeing the rain icons being displayed like they should which is really making the program look great. Here’s a cool shot of WD from the other night during light rain and mist condition. It had always displayed the mist icons for this condition before the fix. Been a long time since I’ve seen these icons work as well as this…Made this using my GIF animator program.
Over the past few days I have been experiencing rainy and misty weather, both day and night and have been watching the program very closely. My last post about the mist icons was Posted on: December 07, 2004, 09:28:03 PM Posted by: windman. I posted the metar info along with image of what was happening and a fix was made. The past few days I’ve have noticed there still is a slight problem with the mist icon showing. The way WD is programmed now, the mist icons should only show when overcast, mist condition is reported, both day and night. Here is a shot of the mist icons showing properly at night during that condition.
The problem I’m seeing now is happening during daylight hours only. For the same condition during the daytime, WD displays overcast icons instead of the mist icons. The mist icons won’t display during the day as showing in image below. I also grabbed the metar info for that time so maybe you can test and see if you see what I’m seeing.
New York, Kennedy International Airport, NY, United States (KJFK) 40-38-19N 073-45-44W 9M
Dec 11, 2004 - 06:51 AM EST / 2004.12.11 1151 UTC
Wind: from the WSW (250 degrees) at 8 MPH (7 KT):0
Visibility: 5 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast
Weather: mist
Temperature: 48.0 F (8.9 C)
Dew Point: 46.9 F (8.3 C)
Relative Humidity: 96%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.42 in. Hg (996 hPa)
Pressure tendency: 0.02 inches (0.7 hPa) higher than three hours ago
ob: KJFK 111151Z 25007KT 5SM BR BKN005 OVC013 09/08 A2942 RMK AO2 SLP962 60000 70024 T00890083 10089 20083 51007
cycle: 12
One thing I would like to add if you do try to test, is to try it of course during daylight hours lol, but also don’t show your webcam or solar icon in the summary image or the screenshot. Set it so it like the images in my picture. I think if you do display your webcam and solar, you may get different results. I have been looking at others webpages including yours and think I may be seeing another thing, but trying to come up with a pattern first before I post about it. I don’t mean to be or sound picky, I just really like this program and want to help to make it be the best it can be :).
Your official icon tester lol,
tested and fixed
uploading a new 10.20i now
will be ready in an hour from now
Great Brian Ready to hit the sack now so will get it in the AM. Next shot for rain and mist tomorrow night and Monday morning. Will keep my