Would it be possible to have local weather conditions overrride the mist icon.
For example: When it is raining locally, rain, not mist, is the dominant weather condition.
Would it be possible to have local weather conditions overrride the mist icon.
For example: When it is raining locally, rain, not mist, is the dominant weather condition.
That would be a nice option. It was pouring here yesterday and the icon was showing mist. The metar shows Rain, Thunder in area, mist
next update of wd should fix that
Thanks and good work as ususal …
download a new 10.19u zip in about 1 hour from now (or when the time stamp changes on the download page)
Many thanks and much appreciated Brian!
Using ver10.19v… and the mist icon is still showing up when it should be overridden by local rain.
email me the metar file that is used , and i will test
If it helps, mine is doing the same. It is raining now (rain for today is rising on wd).
Weather Display:
Do you want the metar file that is downloaded from the metar?
About an hour later and it is working as it is supposed to. The metar shows mist, but wd shows rain. The only change I can see is that the word “rain” is no longer used by the metar to describe the current condition: (using 19v)
Hey all. Been watching this issue very closely for a few months and this is what happens. Whenever the metar displays rain and mist at the same time, the summary image shows the mist icon and is unable to display any other icon but mist. When the metar shows only mist, the summary image works correctly and can display all conditions. When the metar displays only rain, the summary image works correctly and displays all conditions. It’s when the metar displays both rain and mist at the same time that there is a problem.
That’s exactly right Windman.
I guessing if WD would ignore the term “mist” unless it’s the only metar descriptor, then maybe it would be easier to override it with local rain.
It seems to take priority wherever it is in the metar list: light rain, mist/ rain, mist, lightning observed/ etc.
10.19w, ready soon, should straighten this out, promise
Looking good… thanks again Brian!
that does not help much greg
how about some info, i.e your settings, the metar that is being used, etc
Hi Brian. I saw Greg’s page today and both he and me have the same problem going on. Keith also still has a problem with mist icon but with custom summary image it is different. The mist problem kinda got more complex. Gonna be hard for me to explain. Give me a little time to put it all together in a message. Just getting home and saw the latest replies to the thread in my inbox.
to duplicate here i need peoples settings and the actual metar used (the actual raw metar file downloaded)
OK Brian, I’ll give my best shot here. I’ll start from a few days ago, when you first made mist fix in version 10.19w. I tested the version right away and didn’t have good result. Rainfall had just ended here, but there was still a storm affecting the NE USA states. So I found a metar in another state that was reporting mist and rain together at the same time in the extra conditions. My summary image and my New York metar image was reporting only partly cloudy at the time.
First, I forced raindfall by calibrating my Davis station. I added .01 inches to the daily rain. It registered and the summary image and screenshot switched to moderate drizzle and showed rain icon. The metar stayed partly cloudy. So far so good. See test page 1…
Then, I loaded the metar that was reporting mist and rain from the other state and my summary image switched to clear sky nighttime icon but in conditions it read moderate drizzle. At the same time, my screenshot switched to mist icon. See test page 2…
Then after set time to display rain ended, stopped raining appeared and all went back to normal
I never bothered posting about this because I thought I may have did something wrong and figured I’d wait to my next real rainfall to see it happen again. Over the next couple of days I watched both Keith’s and Greg’s page. Today Greg had rain and I saw the exact same thing occur on his page as did on those test pages. Keith’s on the other hand was different story. His custom summary image would show the mist icon when his extra text conditions was both reporting mist and rain at the same time and he was experiencing rainfall. Same way it was before version 10.19w.
Just to confuse you more Brian… here is what happened with me the past 24 hours:
Metar says - overcast, light rian, mist
Override - moderate rain
Icon shown - mist
Metar says - overcast light snow, mist (nighttime)
Override - stopped snowing
Icon shown - clear night
This is with ver10.19z