Midnight Crash - Back Again

The midnight crash is back again…

The midnight crash is back again....
It is advantageous when reporting bugs to provide all the following info: - Version of WD that you're currently running - Type of weather station, including any installed extra sensors - PC operating system - PC spec (CPU speed, RAM, etc) - Anything unusual about your station configuration, e.g. WD is running on a USB serial port, Laptop or Desktop, Screen Saver

This may allow Brian and others to help sooner. :wink:

The midnight crash is back again....

very strange, because I use to have it in august, september, but untill now… I don’t have it…

Which version are you using…


hi pagerman…
i have been working on this in other threads, and i am hoping its now ok
what verison of WD?
what weather station type?
you could tyr, with version 9.95
action, import log files, convert wd log files to grpahs, but tick convert grpah files to log files, and then select month102003.inf, and then click on convert
but, do you know exactly the time the crash appears at?