Meteotemplate - new free website template

Quick question:
In what file can I edit so that Google finds my weatherpage (Meteotemplate).
I want to put in some Meta words somewhere …


you dont need to put anything. Search engines dont work like this anymore. This is how they worked many years ago. Today, these search bots index your page automatically, they also ignore all keywords in meta tags etc. They are now much more sophisticated and analyze the actual content. Keywords were used in the past because it was the only way to tell the bot what your page is about but obviously it was quite misused and so as soon as these bots got smart enough to be able to analyze the content themselves, the meta tags became ignored. The keyword metatag for example is now ignored by all Google, Bing, Yahoo, MSN and other bots.

Prime example - I never did any sophisticated SEO for (other than what you all have in your templates), no ads, no keyword meta tags - and if you search for free weather templates and similar phrases it comes as number one on page 1… Google has very sophisticated algorithm with over 700 criteria, which no-one knows (obviously… otherwise it would be heavily misused). I even read they make on average 3 changes to this algorithm every day…

So you dont have to worry about this, Google will index it automatically and if your site has good quality content and avoids certain technologies and uses the desired ones (which I try to do), it should do fine.

I read a guide about this, about 70 pages, and made sure what is possible is implemented in MT. And as I said based on the fact it is doing better and better, with no ads, no meta tags, paid ads etc. I think it is ok. Also you always have to make sure you read very new stuff, these bots work totally differently than they worked just a few years ago.

Just an example, imagine you have a website with lots of ads. This means, the more people visit your site, the more money you make. Now, lets say word “X” is a popular word which people search for often. So you put word X into the keywords and title, even though your page is not about this. This would fool the search engine and it would offer your page when people search for X. This used to be a major problem. Today search engines are much more sophisticated and use artificial intelligence and highly sophisticated algorithms to analyze your site and they ignore meta tags like keywords etc. And if they find your page is pretending to be something else, they will even heavily penalize you in search results.

[color=red][b]Plugin Update

Thanks for your time, trouble and explanation, J

Hi John,
sorry, this really is technically impossible. Just think about the graphs for example. They show daily progress of rain and in this case this would just show a blank graph as there would only be one value and no hour/minute assigned to it

Block Rollback - Indoor 6.0

Hi guys,

it is now Apr 2 already and I think it is time to do the first ever block rollback. The latest version of Indoor plugin (7.0) is no longer available and if you actually really did update to v7.0, you can now download 6 again :slight_smile:

Enjoy and have fun



[color=red][b]Plugin Update

[color=red][b]Block Update


just set up to use the api in wd ,

set to use api in the Current Conditions block

not getting the data in the Current Conditions block

is there something i have not setup


Try changing “api” to api without the quotes


thanks Gus, yes, the quotes only denote the fact this is exactly what you should put in, but not the quotes themselves.

Thank you It working :oops:

Hi guys,

Block Update - Rise/Set 6.5
Sorry, just minor fix for an issue with timezones

Plugin Update - Drought U.S. 1.1
Current version no longer works because of changes in data source. Please update your plugin to make it functional again.


[color=red][b]Block Update

Hi guys,

I removed all ads from the videotutorials so you can now enjoy watching them ad-free, just like the entire site.

[color=red][b]New Block

Hi guys

[color=red][b]Block Update

[color=red][b]Plugin Update