Hey all PHP experts.
Have anyone seen this page beforehttp://ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gmsat2?lang=en?
It looks very interesting and shows A LOT of info in one picture.
And of course - I would like to put it on my site. 8)
I have written them, asking permission to use their collation of others data, hoping to get a positive responce.
It looks like some sort of map overlay, similar to what we use for the Weather Networks.
How they get the METAR data into a file and then overlay that on to the latest satellite image, I’m not sure. My PHP/Java skills are not up to that.
If they are willing for you to use their map & data or willing to share the scripts then it will save someone a lot of work.
Martin I’ve read your FAQ with great interest.
Is there an easy way to create the animation on the server instead of downloading/uploading to/from my poor little Atom PC?
I’ve only done it using the facility within WD. If you have WD on your server or can find some script that will make the animation and store the images, then there’s no reason why not.
If you have ssh, cron, imagemagick on your server, you can try the folowing shell script.
To find out you have imagemagick on the server you can do ssh login and type the folowing: convert --version
If you can’t login using ssh (secure shell), I’m afraid you can’t use it.
If you don’t know how to run a script using cron, I’m afraid you don’t have the possibility to do it, as it should be on the controll panel for your website.
Sorry about that.
EDIT: the script is in fact a very simple shell script for linux.
Hi, I think you should try the FAQ.
I have wd running on an acer netbook with an atom 270 and 1gig ram together with WeatherLink and VVP.
Most of the time it is only sitting there doing nothing, and just waiting until wd or weatherlink want it to do something.
Your fit-pc should handle that little extra without a problem, that is, if you are not using it for someting i cant see on your website
1.his script is a BASH script, it is something like a BATCH script on Windows, but this is for Linux.
I hope you are on a linux server.
It is a command-line script, and it should have a name like xxx.sh (extention = .sh)
2.create a folder on your server, and put it in there. Use your ftp client to make it executable (chmod +x or chmod 755)
the folder must also be writable (chmod 755)
you have to change the line
cd /path/to/some/folder/where/you/want/your/pictures/
so it points to that folder
3.go to the control panel and set cron to run the script once an hour
it should be
1 * * * * /path/to/the/script/xxx.sh
1 is the minute when you want the script to run, you can change that if you want.
where you change the path and the xxx.sh to the actual path and actual name of the script.
after an hour or two you shoul have some pictures inside the folder, and an animation.gif
If it is working you have to wait 24 hours before the animation is complete, and you can use it on your website.